A/C leasing rate fluctuation

Why is it that aircraft base price/leasing rate fluctuates at the Aircraft Market? I would like to understand what is the actual price based upon, i.e. why the same A/C is leased for $80.000 one day and $90.000 a few days later. I have observed that when planes from a specific type are purchased by other players the price/rate goes up a bit, same when planes stays longer on the market the price seems to lower, so a supply-demand model is visible. But I have observed the same plane is worth more now than a few days ago and there has been no recent purchase as far as I can see, so I guess there must be some other factors to this, too. Has interest rates something to do with this?

Every aircraft listwndon the amrket by AS official trader reduces in price every 48 hours until it reaches the minimum of about 78% of book value for type/age, and then it resets back up.

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