Bank Loans

Today by mistake I leased a plane and immediately after I realized that my money wouldn't have been enough to pay another aircraft fee which was coming up few minutes later. In the end that aircraft was taken back and I lost some money as a consequence.

This was my mistake and I definetely blame myself for that. But as soon as I realized what was going on, I went on the "Loan" page to see if there was even the slightest chance for me to get the 30,000 AS dollars I needed (very, very small amount)...

Now, I don't get how, after one month of being on AAA status on the financial page, the bank wouldn't allow such a small loan that I would have been able to repay in one hour or two...This doesn't make any sense!

Please review this feature!

IIRC, there used to be the option to take out a loan from the bank. Can someone from the admin confirm it is still there? and what conditions must be met for it to be activated?

I've had my airline for about 3 months now, i have managed to keep a AAA raiting through out those 3 months and i have 12 aircraft..and i still can't get a bank loan >_<

Always an AAA airline, never been able to take out a loan...

I think you need collaterals like owned airplanes or terminals to be creditworthy. A AAA rating alone isn't good enough.

Ownered aircraft or buildings are not necessary. The only thing is the assets. Obviously, it demands more to get loans.

   It is not hard to get 30000. Check if there is some old cabin comfiguration which can be refunded. Remove the seats and you get the carsh.

I think you should really reconsider your business plan. Running an airline where measly 30,000 can make or break your airline means there is something wrong.


You need something on your balance sheet to be able to take out a loan. I have 7.5 Mio. in Buildings and 35.3 Mio. in "Flight Equippment" which allows me a maximum loan in the aera of 20 Million.....

It's a little bit odd that the security deposit does not count. Afterall people have hundreds of millions on that account, so way enough for the Bank as collateral IMO. When a player overloads himself with loans he will drown in the costs anyway, so this whole thing balances out itself and should be more accessible to players.


the strange thihng is that leasing deposits - which you can get back - do not count. But the seats in your planes - money you can't get back - counts when you ask the bank for a loan.

On the other hand, there is logic. The leasing deposit is a collateral for the plane you lease. You can't use the same money as a guarantee for two loans  ;-)


the strange thihng is that leasing deposits - which you can get back - do not count. But the seats in your planes - money you can't get back - counts when you ask the bank for a loan.

On the other hand, there is logic. The leasing deposit is a collateral for the plane you lease. You can't use the same money as a guarantee for two loans  ;-)

Not that strange though. Leasing deposits are deposits. So they are a security for the lessor (for example if you don't pay the leasing fee or return the aircraft in bad condition). You can't use a security (in general) twice. At least if you don't want to mess up things. So why is this strange?

Referring to the seats - they are assets, aren't they? While you can't sell them in AS, you could do that in RL. And they are fairly depreciated, so the current value of a seat is somehow reflected within the assets.