Is it better to fly from my hub to top 10 size airports in traffic with competition or fly to size 5,6,7 airports with no competition??
Is it better to fly from my hub to top 10 size airports in traffic with competition or fly to size 5,6,7 airports with no competition??
Simple answer: both.
Even if it looks like there is no competition, there is competition. The biggest part of AS is getting the connections that work. As a new player (which I'm assuming you are), don't worry about the competition to begin with. Learn the basics, get an idea of what routes work and which ones don't. Find a hub you like and learn the airport and traffic patterns of the passengers. Sometimes flights to 10-bar airports hardly get any passengers while you might find a 5-bar airport that has passengers begging to fly with copious amounts of spending money in their pockets.