Confirmations for transactions are a must!

I had just accidentally bought an aircraft right before my week closing and i no longer have the money to close my financial week. And guess what? Having an aircraft that is mine and with AAA rating i'm not entitled to get a loan to survive this situation.

It has been suggested in numerous occasions that a javascript confirmation should be added anytime a player wants to perform such an action (buying a plane, leasing a plane) because there is no way back. 

Very angry now. Better stop here.

Are you 100% sure you would actually have NOT finished the transaction with a JS-popup that you clicked away 500 times before? I'm not.

Nothing in 100% in life. But it would certainly decrease the chance of this happening.

Accidentially buying a plane on credit in used market is a killing trap for small companies. I have fallen into this trap once but luckily I am large enough to survive.

It is hard to understand why the team don’t do things to stop this.

Because i play on a tablet with touchscreen, i have cancelled one of my aircraft contract without wanted to cancel it…

There should be an extra confirmation for it…

Yes it is especially dangerous when you play this on tablet or mobile