Corona Emergency Game World

Hello, from an extremely bored highschool student. A new game world with maybe 20,000,000 starting AS$ instead of the standard 10,000,000AS$ would be greatly appreciated at this time. Anything to occupy a couple hours of my time would be great because everything is closed. Please do you part to cure the world wide surge of boredom. :slight_smile:

Or join one of they much private gameworld where u not pay credits and pay directly to the owner, and start with nearly 30-50MIO pr company :slight_smile: @B_Leiser

Ahh, those were the days…

Can’t remember what boredome felt like, especially the coming weeks with a job to do and the kids NOT at school/kindergarten wont change this. :thinking:

Why don’t you simply start in an existing game world? Choose a crowded or a difficult one and you won’t be bored :wink:

Looking at the title of this thread I thought about having a gameworld where demand is reduced by 80 percent and half the world had closed its borders…


That’s almost like Riem when agex is below 700! :grimacing:

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Internal flights only? Break out the DC3.

@B_Leiser I hope the addition of the Domination game world was a suitable alternative for you? :slight_smile:

It got the job done :slight_smile: