$ doesn't update


I just woke up this morning and checked in to see my airline on the stapleton server.

It appeared something happened overnight. My bank account and financials aren’t changing despite flights departing and arriving. Full flights which are making a profit. Yet my bankaccount remains on the exact same amount. I didn’t change anything in any settings. What is wrong?


me either and my cash is not enough to afford approaching rental payment in two hours…

good luck. For sure it is a computerproblem somewhere, and it will not have influence on your business I hope.

Thought it was only at my HQ there was a problem.

Andy, good luck

same problem

Have a look in the server status board ;)

The server is picking up the backlog since about 10min now.

Hi Spezialist

Thanks for the reply.

How do I find the server status board?

Here, just a bit above in this forum ;)


JSS thanks. just found my cash could hold until midnight (PST) then i will lost one plane.

Would i be compensated with a A380 after the system recovered?

Issue reported in proper locations, and apparently also resolved. Thread closed! ;)