with most airlines thes days chargeing for bags i think it would be nice to have bag fees and other fees to make some extra $$$$$
Can you tell me the proportion of airlines charging additional fee for bags?
Every airline charge fee for additional baggage, but only a few (I think its around 5-10%) charge for luggage.
The only ones that come to mind are the low cost carriers:
Ryan Air
Easy Jet
Fly Dubai
Air Blue
etc etc
i live in the US and all the airlines for the most part charge not southwest and alaska i belive us airways charges 25 for the first and 35 for the second all in the usd
The thing is that an extra bag charge is equally as undesirable as a higher price for the ticket from a passenger standpoint, so it has the same negative effect on your image. If you want to try and squeeze every $ out of your PAX that’s OK, but in AS we probably won’t see any other way to do this than by ticket prices anywhere in the near future.
I believe that there is no need to charge for small “extra” items as they just belong into the airfare, so that’s OK.