Flights does not match schedule


I have scheduled flights for my 727 for the week. It has one flight to do each day.

However, looking at the schedule flights page, it shows that it has to be in 2 places (and flying in opposite directions) simultaneously.

See the attached picture for what I scheduled and what the plane is scheduled to do.

Thank you very much

Looks like you changed your schedule and applied it without waiting for the old schedule to finish. You’ll have to cancel flights.

Haha ok thank you very much, done and done.

And another question. I have applied a massive discount to some of my flights (after they were already scheduled) but it does not show up on the booking where it just shows the default price. Does it take time for it to apply or is there something else?

Thanks again

Ticket prices of already booked flights cannot be changed. ;)

depending on when you activate your schedule, your next flights to enter the reservation system will have the updated prices. Though I believe In-flight service changes instantly (correct me if I’m wrong).