Frequency in flights schedule

On scheduling page there is a list of scheduled flights. Each flight has days where it isactive  under "Frq" column.

So for flight active 4 days a week its something like this:


Now, there are some flights which have confusing letters:


S ! S ! ! ! S

! ! ! ! ! ! _

What do "S" and "!" mean?

! = An error so cannot be scheduled (slot not available etc.)

S = Speed override. You changed the standard speed (but flight number is not assigned to an aircraft).

Such flight numbers will not get deleted, unless you remove the speed override first.

Thanks for replies

Are you kidding?

How can your airline be eco. very succesfull if you don´t know basic techn. issues like this?

Ref. to your question above... you must have a vast chaos of flightplans on your machines... plus a number of machines which don´t fly their potential within the weeks possible air-time...

how can you make any positive margin or any money at all?

how can techn. clueless and driven by accidents and coincidences playing lead to eco. success like yours?

In other words: Your question as above appears being a pretending-question / pretending to be techn. naive.

But you are not – aren´t you.

Hey. I have never had such issue too, even though I have a pretty successful airline. If someone has never had a speed override problems it doesn't mean he's "techn. clueless". It means that he has always scheduled his flights without any issues before. Don't be so rude

Are you kidding?

How can your airline be eco. very succesfull if you don´t know basic techn. issues like this?

Ref. to your question above… you must have a vast chaos of flightplans on your machines… plus a number of machines which don´t fly their potential within the weeks possible air-time…

how can you make any positive margin or any money at all?

how can techn. clueless and driven by accidents and coincidences playing lead to eco. success like yours?

In other words: Your question as above appears being a pretending-question / pretending to be techn. naive.

But you are not – aren´t you.

Wow, your post has set a new low in this forum (and I didn’t know this was possible).


Are you kidding?

How can your airline be eco. very succesfull if you don´t know basic techn. issues like this?

Ref. to your question above… you must have a vast chaos of flightplans on your machines… plus a number of machines which don´t fly their potential within the weeks possible air-time…

how can you make any positive margin or any money at all?

how can techn. clueless and driven by accidents and coincidences playing lead to eco. success like yours?

In other words: Your question as above appears being a pretending-question / pretending to be techn. naive.

But you are not – aren´t you.

Could you please try to improve the kindness in your future posts? No need to be rude about it.

Well, my dear Airline-CEOs and forum´s moderators, especially@caranubis,

If my post has seen so much critic – no doubt – i have to appologize:

Please excuse – I did not aim to be rude.  :-)

Maybe my bad englisch easily sounds as if.

... short sentences

... short content / background content not mentioned...

Maybe there is also a misunderstanding.

I would like and try to clear:

What i wanted to say in my prev. post was: i did not understand caranubis intro question reg. his background and his success.

We know him very well. We know that he isn´t clueless at all as he is very very successful. (he is no.1 in USA on hoover)

Therefore — and i am sorry for it too, if it should offend someone – his question appeared to me like a >pretending<-Question/post.

Therfore  i ----hypothetically---- asked: >how can.... .... ....lead to success like yours?<

It should not imply: you are clueless... or ...because you are clueless, you will not have success... or anyth alike...

This would btw. be complete nonnsense, as everyone can see how big his enterprise is... 

My last line says: (...) >But you are not (techn. naive) — aren´t you< ?

Which was no ironic question or what have we. 

And for sure, i really thought, it is allowed here @ the forum to ask someone of his achievement about a question i can´t imagine coming from himself.

again: 10x excuse me!

and forgive in case i have offended anyone.

enjoy the game...
