How to Achieve Profit Margins?

@Philkirk, I found your airline on Quimby, it's here:

Looking up some sample routes on the ORS, this is what I found:

Attachment 2595 not found.

I'd recommend that you increase service profile in C first, then do something about the remaining factors such as reducing price (low-cost airlines don't work too well in AS, but I managed to have one not die within the first couple of weeks). Considering it seems O+D is important with 2 small hubs, I'd say increasing ORS rating is important, however with an organised hub system like you seem to be growing in TLS and LHR it's less of an urgent need. On routes like AMS-LHR the lack of ORS rating means you're on the third page -- ultra-competitive routes are loss-makers if you're too low on the ORS rating, however some routes are great with ORS ratings. Go through every route you have, and adjust price or service accordingly to try and remain within the first 2 pages for every route, ensuring you don't pay for stuff you don't need (ie. unnecessarily exorbitant service, high quality seats at a too-low price, etc). 

If someone would like to correct me on that, feel free.

Yes, I understand but this is exactly my problem.

In the example below, despite showing last in ORS, I am the one with the highest fares (i.e. most revenue) and the only one with a 100% LF for tomorrow. So why would I want to increase my costs by increasing my service profile? Why would I want to reduce my fares and thus my revenue when my flights are full? My online traffic in TLS represents about 80% of my traffic, so O&D traffic is not crucial.


If I look at ORS for TLS-ZRH on which there are 5 airlines competing (screenshots below), you have this situation :



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SWR has Y fare set at $90 and has rating of 64/99

AH has Y fare set at $105 and has rating of 56/89

ICR has Y fare set at $117 and has a rating of 41/84

ZRH has Y fare set at $117 and has a rating of 38/82


None of the above airlines are full … I am 5th on the list of alternatives, my flight is the ONLY one full for tomorrow, my Y fare is set at $152 (more than 50% higher than SWR’s fare) and yet my rating is only 21/53


I understand why my product rating is low because pricing affects the product rating (please correct me if I’m wrong) but why is my image rating so low. My flight attendants are 5 green bars in the personnel management area and all other staff are 4 green or above. My fares are the highest, my image is the lowest and yet I am the only one with a full flight.


Don’t get me wrong - I’m not complaining. I just don’t quite understand why. Is it simply because of the wave pattern I have set up? I looked at the flight in question and noticed that, out of a total capacity of 125, I had 102 passengers on the TLS-ZRH flight who had connected in TLS from another one of my flights i.e. an online connections and an additional 3 pax with interline connections.

Is it just that my connection possibilities in TLS are such that pax are prepared to pay the higher fares regardless of image and thus provide me with flights that are full?

SWR has Y fare set at $90 and has rating of 64/99

AH has Y fare set at $105 and has rating of 56/89

ICR has Y fare set at $117 and has a rating of 41/84

ZRH has Y fare set at $117 and has a rating of 38/82


None of the above airlines are full … I am 5th on the list of alternatives, my flight is the ONLY one full for tomorrow, my Y fare is set at $152 (more than 50% higher than SWR’s fare) and yet my rating is only 21/53

Looking at those examples beating them is something one could in in his sleep. Not even the top one is "very" good. You seem to be flying pretty full and you can afford to squeeze out profits even though anybody can penetrate your market without any difficulty. I charge more than you on that route and I have 100 in rating with not brand new planes what are you doing?

Looking at those examples beating them is something one could in in his sleep. Not even the top one is "very" good. You seem to be flying pretty full and you can afford to squeeze out profits even though anybody can penetrate your market without any difficulty. I charge more than you on that route and I have 100 in rating with not brand new planes what are you doing?

As I mentioned earlier in the post, this is the information on my image rating :

On the image side :

SEAT SPACE is 1 GREEN for Y and 3 GREEN for C - why is this different to the seats on the product side? Is the determining factor something different in each case?

AIRCRAFT TYPE is 5 GREEN for C&Y so no problem there

AGE is 5 GREEN for C&Y so no problem there

CONDITION is 4 GREEN for C&Y so no problem there

FLIGHTS ATTENDANTS is 3 GREEN for Y and 1 GREEN for C. The maximum crew level is 6 for the CS100 and I already have the basic 3 required for my config (1C and 2Y) and I also have an additional 1C and 2Y, taking it up to 6. What else can I do to improve my image here, especially in C class, as I can't add further crew? I understand that changing to better seats and hence having fewer in C class would help but is that the only alternative? For further clarification, when looking at my staff mood in the personnel section, both Pursers and Flights Attendants have 5 GREEN bars .....

STAFF MOOD is 4 GREEN for C&Y and still climbing so no problem there.

IMAGE OVERALL 4 GREEN for C&Y. If that is the case, why is my image in ORS only 50 out of 100, if the image here tells me I have 4 green out of a potential 5?


When I look at the image information above, it does not reflect an image rating in ORS of just 53 ...  :unsure:  or again, is it just that a config of C25 Y100 in the CS300 is just too much even though I use Recliner Shorthaul in C and Leisure Plus in Y.

For further help ....

This is a screenshot of the Product Rating in Scheduling for that flight :


Screen Shot 2017-02-15 at 13.16.00.png

and this is a screenshot of my personnel management page :


Screen Shot 2017-02-15 at 13.17.31.png

None of the above airlines are full ... I am 5th on the list of alternatives, my flight is the ONLY one full for tomorrow, my Y fare is set at $152 (more than 50% higher than SWR's fare) and yet my rating is only 21/53


I understand why my product rating is low because pricing affects the product rating (please correct me if I’m wrong) but why is my image rating so low. My flight attendants are 5 green bars in the personnel management area and all other staff are 4 green or above. My fares are the highest, my image is the lowest and yet I am the only one with a full flight.

The above ratings have nothing to do with your image rating. Your image rating is shown in your airline's main page, not here.

The above ratings have nothing to do with your image rating. Your image rating is shown in your airline's main page, not here.

OK, so I think I may be even more confused than when I started.

Under scheduling, there is a TAB for Product Rating and in there it has IMAGE FACTORS - do these image factors not affect the IMAGE RATING? 

This is my image factor under scheduling :


Screen Shot 2017-02-15 at 13.16.00.png

and this is my image rating on my front screen :


Screen Shot 2017-02-15 at 20.02.28.png

The image factors come to effect when the flight takes off. At that point, the exact image generated from that flight is calculated and is added to your overall image (shown on your dashboard). That's why in your case it shows the image is going up. The overall image is being used for the ORS rating.

The image factors come to effect when the flight takes off. At that point, the exact image generated from that flight is calculated and is added to your overall image (shown on your dashboard). That's why in your case it shows the image is going up. The overall image is being used for the ORS rating.

OK, so that makes sense and I can understand that - thanks.

So, with that in mind and with my image rating still in the 50s instead of the 90s, what specifically do I need to do to get this to increase because it has been in the 50s for 2 weeks now and not really improving at all. It's gone from 51 to 53 in 2 weeks - hardly spectacular !!

What directly affects my image rating in ORS?

From what I can see in my airline, the only really negative thing I have going is that my fares are set at about 25%-35% above default but I have been told a couple of times that fares definitely do NOT affect the image rating in ORS. If that is the case, why is it so low?

If I bring up the individual flight, this is my flight rating and I don't see anything really damaging there.


Screen Shot 2017-02-16 at 05.44.28.png

OK to get out of going around in circles, what is your Y/C/cargo image on the airline dashboard page?

OK, so that makes sense and I can understand that - thanks.

So, with that in mind and with my image rating still in the 50s instead of the 90s, what specifically do I need to do to get this to increase because it has been in the 50s for 2 weeks now and not really improving at all. It's gone from 51 to 53 in 2 weeks - hardly spectacular !!

What directly affects my image rating in ORS?

From what I can see in my airline, the only really negative thing I have going is that my fares are set at about 25%-35% above default but I have been told a couple of times that fares definitely do NOT affect the image rating in ORS. If that is the case, why is it so low?

If I bring up the individual flight, this is my flight rating and I don't see anything really damaging there.

Screen Shot 2017-02-16 at 05.44.28.png

Your image rating is the average of the image score you got from every flight you have ever flown, ever. So if it was low to start with, it can take several months to get it high.

OK to get out of going around in circles, what is your Y/C/cargo image on the airline dashboard page?

Here's a screenshot of my dashboard :


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When I hover over Y it says 54 and over C it says 59