maintance category

Hi guys,

I looked a bit in the forum but I couldn’t find a topic concerning this issue. How does the maintanance category of an airplane influence its overall performance? And how is the figure (1 for 73G, 83 for E95, 23 for DH4) calculated??

This question comes from a fact: on Aircraft Type Evaluation you can see that the E95 can fly 28 times per week the route FCO-AMS while the 73G can fly it 42 times!!! It’s a huge gap for 2 aircrafts that have a difference in cruise speed of only 10km/h.

This makes me think that the difference in maintanance category actually plays an important role, since the number of flights is reduced by 24!

What do you think, anybody knows the answer to this question?


The no. of flights per week is rounded down. So in reality the difference isnt that much.

The maintenance category only related to the extra maintenece cost, which happens when you operate 4 or more maintenance category in your fleet

Anyone knows more about this extra maintenance cost at 4+ types in the fleet? I guess it’s smallest at 4 and grows as the number of types increase? And is it a big issue or should I not worry to much if I have just 4-5 types?

Any insight into this grey matter much appreciated.

Heard that it is 15%. So it is no a big deal if most of your planes are new

15% is right. however, the overall maintenance cost increase by 15%, and another 15% with the 5th, then the sixth, …

It´s just a number, it´s not related to any calculation ingame.

Ignore that, the E95 can easily fly that route as often as the 73G, maybe just a miscalculation.

Thanks a lot!!! :D

So the maintenance category number in the aircraft comparison simply reflects it’s category/type ,ie all 737 are 1, MD-11 DC-10 are 5. The number does not reflect the actual cost of maintenance? ie, 10 costs more then 1 to maintain.

So, I am able to have up to 4 types of aircraft (as defined by maintenance category number) and as soon as I have 5 types of aircraft, overall maintenance fee’s for entire fleet go up by 15% and an additional 15% per type added?

the 15% are already added witht he fourth cat. but other thsn that you are correct.

The number of flights per week often enough is totally off. With actual operation - particularly with widebodies - I often enough get twice as many flights as stated in the evaluation. Consequently, the costs per seat are totally off and so is the entire evaluation.

And don’t forget to run the evaluation for both legs as turnaround times may vary.

15% can actually be quite a lot.

For a larger fleet, 15% for the 4th category quickly goes into many millions.

I see quite some players failing to do some rough calculations to get a feeling for how many airframes of a new category they really would need to recoup these 15% extra.

I recommend you to stick to one type of aircraft when you first start…reach a high number of that aircraft…say 20? or 30? and only then get a second category and do the same for that aircraft…assuming you want to do short haul flights first before expanding into the medium and long haul game zones…at 3 maintnance cost is fine at 4 types, +15% and it goes up 15% for every type added…

to sum it all up…avoid having too many types of aircraft when you are just starting!