Some questions before getting my first ever company started

Hello guys! I discovered this game some days ago and since then I read hundreds of things related to this sim and decided to start today.

I carefully studied the Yukawa's blog for starters and also checked out AS Wiki pages.

But still...I've got some questions left still:

1) What happened when a world shuts down? Does my company still remains? How long does a world keeps running after being created? What's the best world to start with?

2) I'm very keen on cold weather and cold places, and actually it would be perfect to me to run a company that travels from North Canada/Alaska to other north city/communities (Greenland/Iceland/Norway and so on) or Southern Argentina/Australia to Antartica (scientific settlements and so on, In Antartica there are some small established communities that need air support). Also, I don't really care about becoming the greatest company in the world I'll be playing in, but only have fun and trying not to bankrupt at least.

3)Why is Freight Transport not advisable for beginners? I'm more orientated on this than pax transport, even if I don't mind it.

4)If EU, China, Russia and USA are also not advisable for beginners...would Canada/New Zealand/Argentina/Australia/Japan be recommended instead?

Thanks for answering!

Cheers from Italy.

Hi! Glad to hear that you've taken the time to read the forums and understand the basics  ^_^ . 

1) Long-term worlds are the majority here and they go indefinitely. However, Quimby and Otto are temporary so they always have end dates. In those cases, the airline simply disappears after the end of the game. I personally prefer long-term worlds as you have more growth opportunity. I'd recommend using the 'start' tool on, which is excellent for finding someplace with free slots and demand. As for choosing a world, the older ones will have lots of cheap old aircraft to lease to start (if you want to go that route) but equally many enormous established airlines. Periodically there are openings when a company shuts down but usually, the aftermath is very competitive. Newer worlds have only modern aircraft but often more players. Honestly, I would use the 'start' tool and see where it suggests. The world itself is often not as important compared to where in the world...

2) Sorry, but I'd recommend against this plan. Alaska is challenging since it is very low-yield and you're in the USA which means any player in the lower 48 can establish an operation in Alaska overnight. Equally, I'm not even sure if AS has airports in Antarctica. Small aircraft that would be needed to serve those communities are usually very unprofitable unless done perfectly. It's a perfectly valid goal not to be the largest company, but try to do that in a closed-market country that is a bit 'under the radar' for lack of a better phrase, rather than the most remote places in the world.

3) Freight transport is globally liberalised so a holding registered in any country can fly anywhere in the world. You have no protection from competitors on any route. As a Turkish company, it's comforting to know that a terrifyingly large airline in the EU right nearby can't fly any domestic routes or routes from Turkey -> other countries. Cargo affords none of this. 

4) Actually, I'd recommend places like Turkey or Mexico if there's space, or go for places like Peru, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia etc... Places with domestic routes and international demand are ideal. However, make sure you start flying domestic routes for a while, since these are always the easiest to fill and you'll have the least competition.

Best of luck!

Thanks you Aidan!

I'd recommend using the 'start' tool on

I know about this tool...but actually, how can it be useful to me?

And's better a server with few players o many?

Here's a link:

It will show you airports with a certain amount of passenger demand compared to their free slots. Basically, it can search all the worlds and find places where there is demand but no airline. It's not perfect but it saves a lot of time and comes up with places one might not otherwise think of!

I don't think it matters a huge amount with regards to the number of players. Yes, more generally means more enterprises but often the older ones with fewer players have enormous companies. Try to find a closed market country with no airlines (or maybe a small one) like the ones recommended above on an old server. Or you could go for the approach of competing in a newer world like Hoover, where many enterprises are a lot smaller and there's more turnover. However, almost no country worth playing in is free in Hoover right now. In short: take a look at the route map tool and see if anywhere interests you, since it shows all the worlds.

Other people may have different opinions, but I find that I've been able to play on both old and new servers. What planes/routes/seats/service/etc. you choose to use have a greater effect on success.

I think I'll go for Gatow or Meigs.

For example Jeddah on Croydon or Devau is a good opportunity, also Cairo an Gatow, Kaitak, Tempelhof or Meigs. Actually for Cairo Tempelhof has the least competition.

Do not be disappointed if it does not work the first time. Several restarts are no shame! Most players have to do that. Good luck and much more endurance.

thank you everybody for support.

Just one final question actually...How to see what is the destination the pax like the most and it is better to schedule flights to? Does Pax in game rely on real life statistics (In example, Heathrow Airport in 2016 had many passengers booking flight to spain and portugal and very few to germany and belgium).

Passenger demand is based on real life number from whenever the real life number was taken, but yes...real life research will help you out ;)

The requested URL /app/fleets/aircraft/23652/0 was not found on this server.

What does this mean? I can't log into my company anymore


can you access the server at all?

some gameworlds moved to new servers. very likely, your ISP has not yet updated the DNS entries. that should resolve itself within the next few hours

if this is the only page not working, it might be a problem after the move. feel free to report it to

please make sure, you have deleted your cache and made sure, your browser is actually trying to load the data again from the server, not use a combination of cached data and server access.

I mean...I can play for 1 hour then disconnects...the server is Meigs.

I wait 30 minutes and then I can connect again.

Then disconnects after 1 hour...Meigs has moved this morning succesfully I'm reading...

Are you using an old bookmark? Try to clear history/cookies and not use book marks. Find AS through Google or type the adress manually in your browser.

No, I'm logging in the server via google search.

Start… Run… Type “cmd”

Type “ipconfig /flushdns”

Then go to your browser and delete all cached data, cookies etc.

You should then have no problems.

Log in via

It is working, thank you

...and it stopped working again