Tell the user how much it will cost to lay-off crew


I think it would be good to know in game exactly how much it will cost to lay-off crew members.

I hit the lay-off button and there was no warning or confirmation and ended getting a bill for almost 50K AS (not a lot I know but it could have been way worse).

I guess the same is true for re-training. That way it would be easier to decide what to do with unused crew.

If I am not mistaken it should be 5 times the weekly salary.

It's 6 + 7 I think training is 6 and laying off 7, or vice versa.

keep in mind, that firing someone costs about 5.5 to 6 times the standard (not the average) national salary. so it's usually less expensive to just keep them until you sign additional interlining agreements. also, the number of required network planners depends on your own size as well, so as long as you keep in growing and you have at least one IL, the number of required network planners will increase.

same for pilots, etc.


and I just fired two of my poor redundant employees..

a network planner for $5400 and a cargo controller for $3360.

so 5.5 to 6x is about the right number. 

Thanks for the responses.

Looking at the numbers for my case it worked out to 6.

I guess this highlights the problem - and why I added the suggestion, there should be a easy way to find out.

In the grand scheme of things, $50K should not sink a company in this game but it would be nice to know the impact of your decisions.

$50K should not sink a company in this game but it would be nice to know the impact of your decisions.

My lowest I have ever had in a bank account without getting to bankruptcy was AS$7k so 50k could have easily killed me though the game can will not allow you more than what you have in your bank account anyways.