The coming Aircraft market

I have just read the latest post in development logbook. The concept is brilliant and will be a big ‘plus’ to the game. My understanding of the plan is to create an open market to everyone. However I am a bit concern about the new settings.

Assuming this will be the only method of aircraft trading, it seems to me that the lessor will have no choice of his lessee. At the end of the day, the big players will have the advantage in winning these bids.

Would it be possible to include a private trading function where one enterprise can sell/lease an aircraft to a specific enterprise at the current base price?

No, that’s not planned right now.

Besides, there will most likely always be the option of immediate purchase from official AirlineSim companies. “Large companies will always win” thereby isn’t true.

I look forward to seeing a more detailed description about the new market system. I do not wish to make any assumptions about it as I have not had any hands on go at it.

Martin you and the team are doing a good job of improving the quality of AS and just want to say I am looking to seeing this new system. Things like this keep me coming back. Cheers.

After the implementation of that changes, will there be any way of one of my companies leasing or selling a plane to another one? It’s possible now but from the limited description available it looks like that option will be removed.

It will be removed. But I’m adding an additional tool right now that will enable different forms of intra-holding aircraft transfers. There’ll probably be a dev-log about that soon.

when I read your new post about this topic right, Iam now able to transfer money to my subsidiary by transfering an aircraft and sell it again via my subsidiary … right?

In principle, yes. Always depends on the market price you’re going to achieve, of course :)

Dear Martin,

you should think again about the effects of this feature:

It means I can simply transfer assets from my company A (with 49% foreign shareholders) to my company B (with no foreign shareholders). The share price of A will fall, the one of B will rise. This opens endless possibilities for stockmarket manipulations and for the deposession of my shareholders.

I am very much in favour of a possibility to recapitalize my airlines, but this way is very costy for shareholders.

This transfer method is not available for listed enterprises. We’re not that stupid :)

Great, this was my biggest concern with the dev log post. Sounds like you’ve thought things through and this will be an all around improvement.

But would it be possible to transfer an aircraft from my holding (obviously not listed on the stock market) to my Enterprise (listed on the stock market) as this would only add value to shares. Obviously the other way around would be embargoed

Neither is allowed.

I really hope that this could change the way that everyone using a horde of 737, and making old birds like 747 more affordable.

Now I am getting excitied and want to pile up money :blush:

As far as I can see the new aircraft market system will make the fleets much more interesting again, say it will be easier to lease aircraft types that have disappeared from most AS Airlines :)

I would like to transfer or lease aircraft to my new subsidiary but where is this feature? I can see that option to put it on the market but can I ensure that my sub will lease it not somebody else?

you have to go to asset management, then transfer aircraft. there sou pick the receiving company and method of transfer