
A wish list…

Bear in mind some of these have been discussed before, I’m just posting a wish list. I’m sure some of these wouldn’t be as easy as they sound.


Example: I own a few airlines, and I decide that an opportunity exists to start a new one. One of my airlines can spare $5 Million, and another can spare $3 Million. Now either one could start a new airline, but together they could get a better start, because $8 million is better.

Example 2: Our Alliance has noticed a hole in our network there is an open investment country in that hole. Any member could go ahead and start there, but none of us has solid cash to get a really good start. One member is willing to “give 'er a go” one or two others would like to invest. Together they can put together $10 million, should be good to go…

I think a cap on how much could be spent would be required here…


Example : My alliance partner has over extended, and is in danger of being insolvent. Rather than let this happen I loan this airline a few million at a low interest rate to help them through.

Example 2: My daughter airline, which is a listed company, needs a cash infusion to expand. As I can’t just transfer funds to the airline, for valid reasons, I instead loan it the money at a low interest rate.

In both cases a payment plan must be in place, and those payments must be made. No ability to “forgive” the debt, interest of some sort must be paid, and the debt must be paid off, unless the airline goes bankrupt or something at which point I would be SOL.

Again caps would be required on this I would suggest $10 million in total private loans. No matter how many people were willing to help. This isn’t to cheat it’s to help.

3.)Bond issues

As an alternative to 2 above

4.) Buy or sell terminals

Example: I have built a terminal in DXB, my airline no longer flies there, and I don’t have any current contracts. Rather than demolish it, I can put it up for sale. Must be at market price, so you can’t just “give it away” again, not meant as a cheat just a way to get back some of the cash invested. DXB might have been a bad example LOL

5.) Charters

I know discussed many times, not asking for it, this is just a wish list of things that I think would be fun.

I may post more later…

Let me reiterate this is just an exercise in idea generation, none of these are direct requests.

You will be never able to give "foreign" airlines money.

To much cheating potential and its just not fair if a Airline with a few hundred million AS$ gifts his friend who started yesterday playing AS like 50.000.000AS$ while his competitor just started with 10 million.

But charter and trading with terminals would be nice.

That’s why it wouldn’t be a gift, but a loan and capped at $10,000,000.00, but yes I see plenty of issues with it.