If I recall correctly the AGEX is random for each server. Now on Croydon for example, the AGEX has fallen 2-5 points daily since the update. If this behaved as a real stock market, shouldn’t there be temporary swings due to pricing expectations that’s inherent in economics? We’re still a longway off from the historical low, but if it’s falling constantly, shouldn’t there be some upward pressure on the AGEX that occasionally produces a gain?
So does it extrapolate economic demand using things like fuel prices? I’m just curious as to how this operates because while you can’t really control the economics of a market and it’s largely feedback driven, some of it can be predicted. I’m just trying to grasp the situation so I can plan accordingly, as in real life, airlines don’t just duck and cover hoping for a change in the trade winds.
Well there’s one predictable thing, it’s in a persistent tailspin. I’ve only seen one day of upward growth and it was a measly 1 point, while it’s falls 1-12 any other day. I just think this is highly unrealistic when a real market has ebs and flows that make it go down AND up, even if it’s in a decline overall. All we get is a perpetual decline which is doing nothing but discouraging smaller airlines. I’m not sure how an AGEX that falls so much really helps keep the game anymore interesting. It’s just making it so the power is further solidified into the big airlines that have the capital to own A/C, terminals, and large enough networks to maintain flights. Croydon is already on the low side in terms of users and the AGEX is helping to keep it that way sadly…
Hopefully!!! Because in Nicosia in 180 days it has dropped over 200 points and I can see that my flights are having less and less traffic each week. And since I’m not a big airline with a very extensive network it is a bit devastating that I’m going to have to cut down my airline which is not big at all, while airlines that can afford it can still fly the same routes I do even with higher prices and less PAX than I. Also its not just cutting routes and returning aircraft, its cutting down on the labor force which has a hefty price tag! Which means less capital for my company.
The problem is that the AGEX is declining at a rate that far exceeds any natural economic recession. Recessions, while sudden at times, still happen over a period of months, not several weeks. I feel much of this stems from it being updated daily. A bad recession is where you shrink an economy by 3-4% in a Quarter. Yet we’re down over 25% in less than a month. This is why I’m still trying to grasp the concept of the AGEX, is it based off the idea of the stock market, which can plummet in the coarse of a week, or is it a compounded economic growth number? The problem is if it’s the former, there should be some upward swings and fluctuations, while if it’s the latter, the decline should be less sudden. Either way you cut it, there’s an issue in how this was implemented/programmed. I also have an issue with the fact that Fuel is still done based off real economic figures. An economy that loses 25% of it’s demand isn’t going to see oil shoot up 10% in 2 weeks. Fuel should be dirt cheap in such an economy. It just doesn’t make any sense right now, nor is it even remotely realistic, which I thought was one of purposes behind this…
Something has gone wrong in the last week. I am looking at many airlines dropping at least 25-50% of their profit in one week. There will be many failures in the next weeks if this trend continues.
My airline profit dropped 53% last week, and my LF has gone from ~89% three weeks ago to 75% this week and I its dropping fast. I haven’t had any new competitors in my routes, so that isn’t the problem . Routes that were at 85%-100% LF have all gone to about 40%-50% LF, and these are on routes that I’m the only one flying. From what I’ve been analyzing yesterday, a bit more than half of my flights this week are unprofitable. Now if I were to cut those routes it would devastate my other flights, because, they also serve as feeder traffic to routes that are in the green. So what should I do.? Should I just sit and wait until the market gets better, if it gets better anytime soon!? Should I cut these routes and risk my other flights? Wait until I become insolvent and restart my airline?
Pray, pray a lot. My LF has drop from 95% to 91% in Stapleton. That cause me to lose ~4 million in profit in the last month. Still profitable but AGEX always seems to be going down and not really up at all.
I’have the same problem at devau. My LF dropped from 89% to 91%. However the AGEX has fallen down before this did not have any affects on my LF. Something must have been changed two weeks ago.
My load factor has fallen about 6 or 7% and so has my profit, last week I had a 2% margin, I’m just relying on having money in the bank for now to tide me over, but there’s not very much so unless there’s improvement soon my airlines going to start suffering severely. I can see young airlines going rapidly into decline.
Well, this week hasn’t been much better. In Nicosia I was looking at the profit/loss of various companies in the stock exchange and what I saw was devastating, most companies had a profit/loss percentage change ranging from -15% to -30499%. Crazy!!! Mine wasn’t much better
I am having the same problems as other airlines with huge loss of passengers on Nicosia. As many have mentioned the AGEX has only gone down with very weak positive movement.
Well it’s up on Croydon. 49 pts over 7 days and a whopping 27 pts today. I like the upward swing, but I gotta say, it seems to adjust so rapidly over a week.
Wait until when? As things go, no one will be left.
I came back here and only solution I found doubts. It seems the problem is not just me.
I play AirlineSim in Croydon, Pearls and Meigs.
Perhaps because they are newer servers do not have this problem or Pearls in Meigs.
However, as we speak in Brazil, "the black is stuff" in Croydon. As it stands, no one will be left. Here in Brazil, for example, seeing the stock market, my company (GNB Linhas Aereas) and FlyBrasil are falling. I did a quick search by checking the financial results of some companies that are listed on stock exchanges and see:
Cair: -17%
Argentina Airlines: -28%
Air Glory: -53%
GNB: -64%
Fly Brasil: -76%
Chicken wings: -86%
YT Jet: -148%
Travellton: -243%.
Apart from Mike (MHK international, sky america …) - I still do not know for sure what happened to him.
American International has accumulated losses of 33 million and Fly by Air of 48 million. Travellton was a resounding negative: -67 million. And in just one week.
It is possible that so many people are missing. Some of these players are extremely competent.
In my opinion there is something wrong with the game. It is good to do something and soon. Otherwise, no one will be left.
Well, these airlines have to adjust their strategy or die. I have come to the conclusion it is better to run a smaller airline (ie. 150ac) with a good profit than have 500ac that i can not manage and make a loss.
I have seen some routes become realistic, albiet not profitable under my current strategy, but a steady variation in passenger flows and revenue. Real airlines do not run on 100% capacity on all routes all the time, infact, most would be thrilled to fill the majority of their flights at 80-90%.
Some routes have achieved a nice variation, it will just take some time to figure out how to play the game and make a profit. I can see how it would be incredibly difficult for a new airline to start off in this system, they don’t have hundreds of millions in cash reserves to play around with. But then again, they don’t have route networks that can generate losses in excess of 30 mil .