Tried searching in the wiki for any extra information on how this works to no avail. I was wondering what this is, how it works and how it is implemented. Is it real world based air travel demand? 

AGEX is economy index, it goes up and down, the "main" value is around 900, and it can go up to 1150 as well as down to about 650, it cycles in about 6 months upward and 6 months downward trend, with daily variations on top of that. It reflects the strength of economy resulting in the increase or decrease of bookings. The deeper the AGEX dives, the fewer the passengers book, and premium classes are usually affected more than economy. You have to save money in good AGEX to be able to survive low AGEX. If you cannot make money with AGEX at 900 or 950, you will go belly up when AGEX goes down.

Fab stuff. I like it. Is it based off your home nations economy or global economy? 

It is global, for the whole game world. AGEX values and ranges are different on each game world, though they all follow the same up and down trend, with different variations, at different times.

The only thing that is the same across all the game worlds is the fuel price.

But while the AGEX is a random index, fuel prices are based on real life prices.
