Work on another bug (not part of this patch yet) has taken far longer than planned and I'm still busy dealing with it. So only some rather tiny fixes for now. More fixes and - more importantly - some features and improvements, will follow in one of the next updates.
BUGFIX: No colors in profit and loss statement.
BUGFIX: Links in headings of Light Theme were too dark.
BUGFIX: Wrong background in slot column in route evaluation.
BUGFIX: Curfew not showing correctly in route evaluation.
Everyone who's seen yesterdays live-stream has probably been aware of the fact that I have a "classic" theme for AirlineSim in the works. Since many of you are neither happy with the new dark nor the new light theme, the classic theme might be an acceptable compromise. It doesn't look quite as polished as the old theme or any of the new themes, but it brings back a lot of the familiar elements and - most importantly - colors from the old theme.
Note that this is work-in-progress and that this variation will never look "perfect". The HTML has been more or less completely adapted to the new themes and there's only so much I can do with CSS to make it look like the old theme. If you are a CSS wizard and have a few more tricks up your sleeve to get closer to the original, let me know.
Jeder der den gestrigen Live-Stream verfolgt hat wird gesehen haben, dass ich ein "Classic" Theme für AirlineSim in Arbeit habe. Da viele von euch weder mit dem neuen dunklen noch dem neuen hellen Theme besonders zufrieden waren, könnte das Classic Theme einen brauchbaren Kompromiss darstellen. Es sieht nicht ganz so glattgeschliffen aus wie das alte Design oder die neuen Themes, aber es bringt eine Menge altbekannte Elemente und vor allem die Farben des alten Themes zurück.
Bitte beachtet, dass es sich hierbei um "work-in-progress" handelt und dass diese Theme-Variante nie "perfekt" aussehen wird. Der HTML-Code des Spiels wurde mehr oder weniger vollständig für die neuen Themes angepasst und die Möglichkeiten, diesen mit CSS wie das alte Design aussehen zu lassen, sind begrenzt. Wenn es unter euch CSS-Profis gibt die eventuell noch den einen oder anderen Trick kennen, mit dem man näher an das Original kommen könnte, dann wäre ich für Tipps dankbar.
This is a fairly large update, affecting several core components of the game:
NEW: Scheduling: Added flight number overview and route map for selected airport pair.
NEW: "Market Analysis" page to separate market observation from booking monitoring (Inventory).
NEW: Inventory: Load summary
NEW: Inventory: Added Route Map
NEW: Route Evaluation: Per-leg link to new market analysis page.
NEW: Flight Number Page: Add link to market analysis in head of flight segment tab.
NEW: Flight Number Page: Added inventory view on segment tab.
NEW: Flight Number Page: Add route map.
NEW: Flight Number Page: Quicklinks in head of flight segment tab to flight number segments matching the airport pair.
CHANGE: Area restrictions for new buildings and building extensions have been removed.
CHANGE: Inventory: Moved airport pair settings above inventory listing and below new load summary.
CHANGE: Inventory: Removed market share stats and "All Flights" tab (now to be found on Market Analysis page).
Some comments concerning the most important changes:
Restructuring of Inventory
This is a core part of the game and I wasn't really happy with it yet. Most importantly, too much stuff was on a single page. Also, players complained that it was hard to get a quick overview of the current load situation. To address this, there now exists a matrix aggregating the loads of all flights on the selected airport pair by service class and flight day. This way, you can quickly figure out the loads of finished flights (yesterday) and of those still open for booking.
Directly below this summary, you can now find the airport pair settings. This way, load monitoring and the settings are closer together which probably makes the work-flow of adjusting prices based on current loads easier for most people.
The lower part of Inventory now only contains the full inventory view with filtering settings as you know them. The load charts below also adhere to those filter settings.
New "Market Analysis" page
Inventory is - as the name suggests - about your current offering. Market share statistics and capacities of other airlines really don't fit into it. Therefore I decided to create this new page. The idea here is that if you want to a.) find new routes to fly or b.) want to keep an eye on the competition, you can do it here. I think that in the future, we could also add more functionality to this page, providing more insights into the market (maybe new marketing features?).
Space restrictions for buildings dropped
To prevent people from exploiting the limited space at airports to block other players from expanding and as a reaction to how overbooked ground handling will work in 6.2, the space restrictions have been dropped altogether. This means, you can build as many as as large buildings as you like.
NEW: Speed overrides now cause increased fuel consumption. (1)
NEW: Speed parameter in performance tool. (1)
CHANGE: Filter settings of Connection Analyzer get persisted. (2)
CHANGE: Sort states of data tables get persisted (2). So far this had been added to:
Fleet Management
Connection Analyzer
Leasing Contracts
Station Load Statistics
Load Monitoring
Re (1): Note that is a super-simple, linear model that merely serves the purpose of giving the speed overrides a little disadvantage. See this as a placeholder until we have a better performance model in place. Either way, the new model can reduce your maximum payload and even cause missions to be impossible to operate. To make it easier to check what works and what doesn't, a speed parameter has been added to the Performance Tool.
Re (2): Both of these features use the infrastructure that's used for all "custom settings" in AS. That means, the settings can be different for every company and are inherited by subsidiaries unless overridden.
Re (1): Bitte beachtet, dass es sich hierbei um ein super-einfaches, lineares Modell handelt, welches lediglich den Speed Overrides einen kleinen Nachteil verschaffen soll. Seht es also als einen Platzhalter an, bis wir das verbesserte Performancesystem fertig haben. Trotzdem kann das neue Modell die maximale Zuladung reduzieren und sogar dafür sorgen, dass bestimmte Missionen nicht mehr geflogen werden können. Damit man leichter herausfinden kann was funktioniert und was nicht, wurde dem Performance-Tool ein Geschwindigkeits-Parameter spendiert.
Re (2): Beide dieser Features nutzen die Infrastruktur die für alle "Custom Settings" in AirlineSim verwendet wird. Das heißt, die Einstellungen können sich von Unternehmen zu Unternehmen unterscheiden und werden an Tochterunternehmen vererbt, sofern sie dort nicht überschrieben wurden.
NEW: Add all/none/invert selection links to aircraft flights tab.
NEW: Added "save settings only" button to airport pair settings (Inventory and Flight Number page).
NEW: Paging navigation on station page (respecting order setting from overview).
CHANGE: Moved support widget to bottom, adjusted footer accordingly.
CHANGE: German translation of 6.2 features/changes completed.
Dieses Release ist vor allem für unsere deutschsprachigen Spieler interessant: Nun ist auch endlich die deutsche Übersetzung der neuen Features von 6.2 abgeschlossen. Es handelt sich noch um eine frühe Version, solltet ihr also über holprige Formulierungen oder inkonsistente Begriffe stolpern, dann gebt uns bitte Bescheid.
CHANGE: Display slots and slot availability on airport page.
CHANGE: Temporarily disable flight cancellations due to overbooked passenger terminals.
CHANGE: Remove old pie charts, replace with embedded bars in market share statistics.
CHANGE: More prominent display of (always white) aircraft picture on type page (experimental).
CHANGE: Limit width of contractual partners table on airline page.
BUGFIX: Contract update time in Station -> Ground Handling would not adhere to user's time setting.
BUGFIX: Fix display glitches in classic theme.
This is probably the last bigger update before the general release of AS 6.2. As such, it also disables cancellation of flights due to overbooked terminals. A final release date will probably be announced later this week.
Dies ist wahrscheinlich das letzte größere Update vor dem allgemeinen Release von AS 6.2 Entsprechend wurden Flugstreichungen durch überbuchte Terminals nun deaktiviert. Der finale Releasetermin wird vermutlich im Laufe der Woche bekannt gegeben.
[EN] This is the release version of AirlineSim 6.2 that will be rolled out to all game worlds today. No code changes were added since the last patch, but there are updates to the airport data. You can find the data change-log attached to this post. Note that the data patch will happen some time after the upgrade to 6.2.
[DE] Dies ist die Release-Version von AirlineSim 6.2 die heute in allen Spielwelten installiert werden wird. Es gab seit dem letzten Patch keine Code- aber dafür einige Datenänderungen. Ein entsprechendes Change-Log habe ich an diesen Post angehängt. Bitte beachtet, dass der Datenpatch mit einer gewissen Zeitverzögerung nach dem eigentlichen Upgrade auf 6.2 durchgeführt wird.
NEW*: Re-add option to fix navigation to top of screen (enabled by default, unless previously disabled).
CHANGE: Display remaining terminal capacity in ground services tab and on service contract proposal.
CHANGE*: Right-align table headers in fleet table and Facts&Figures tab on airline page.
CHANGE: Airport Pair Pages: Hide destination list on small devices, add destination drop-down, make origin/destination dropdown searchable.
CHANGE*: Update fav-icon.
BUGFIX**: "create flight number" button in scheduling wasn't localized
* [EN] Might require a hard refresh in your browser to become effective/work correctly.
* [DE] Erfordert ggf. einen harten Refresh im Browser um (korrekt) zu funktionieren.
** [EN] Non-English translations will follow with next translation patch and only if only addressed by the respective translator.
** [DE] Deutsche Übersetzung folgt mit nächstem Übersetzungs-Patch
[EN] This is the first patch since the general roll-out of 6.2. It's mainly smaller improvements based on your feedback so far. We continue to read and evaluate all feedback and will do what we can to make the transition as easy as possible (within the given limits of our roadmap). The most import change in this update is probably the ability to fix the navigation bars to the top of the screen, which should reduce scrolling on both desktop and mobile devices. This behavior can be disabled in your game settings if you prefer a non-fixed navigation
[DE] Dies ist der erste Patch nach dem allgemeinen Release von 6.2. Er beinhaltet vor allem kleinere Verbesserungen basierend auf den Rückmeldungen die wir bisher erhalten haben. Wir lesen und evaluieren auch weiterhin alle Eingaben und bemühen uns, die Umstellung so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten (innerhalb der durch unsere langfristige Planung gegebenen Möglichkeiten). Die wichtigste Änderung ist vermutlich, dass man nun wieder die Navigations-Balken am oberen Fensterrand fixieren kann, was sowohl auf Desktops als auch auf Mobilgeräten das Scrollen reduzieren sollte. Dieses Verhalten kann in Spieleinstellungen abgeschaltet werden, falls ihr eine nicht-fixe Navigation bevorzugt.
NEW: Inventory: Allow to group inventory by flight (persisted as custom setting).
NEW: Overview of handling capacities on stations page.
CHANGE: Minimal tab-indexes in "new flight number" form in flight planning (flight number -> origin -> destination -> submit).
CHANGE: Added text-select for stations in various locations, including flight planning.
CHANGE*: Experimental/untested: Allow users to disable responsiveness of interface.
CHANGE: Persist selected tab on station page.
CHANGE: Aircraft Market: Move immediate purchase button to left of bid button, use warning color for both.
BUGFIX: Only allow navigation to be fixed when screen is high enough to fit the whole menu.
BUGFIX*: Use different font in operations control for better legibility.
BUGFIX: Remove wrong background of condition field in aircraft asset management.
BUGFIX*: Prevent unnecessary line breaks in income statement.
BUGFIX: Load summary in Inventory now displays dynamic amount of days based on flights actually booked in.
BUGFIX: Flight number overview in Scheduling now sorted by flight number.
BUGFIX: Update total handling capacities whenever service contract is updated to clear wrong cargo values caused by patch to 6.2.
BUGFIX: Selected origin would display in destinations list on airport pair pages.
* [EN] Might require a hard refresh in your browser to become effective/work correctly.
[DE] Erfordert ggf. einen harten Refresh im Browser um (korrekt) zu funktionieren.
Some remarks concerning the most important changes:
Re 1.) This is a first step in bringing back some of the usability of the old "Route Management" while maintaining the general structure of the new Inventory page required for future developments. Please let me know what you think, all feedback is welcome and will be taken into account for further improvements.
Re 2.) This tab on the Stations page allows airlines with a large amount of private ground handling to get a quick overview of their capacities booked per terminal. Note that I didn't put all that much effort into it: It's supposed to give a general overview and I think it does that.
Re 5.) Based on the idea of a fellow developer I added the option to disable all "responsive" features of AS 6.2 for those that don't like the way the interface looks and behaves on very small screens. Note though that this feature is experimental in nature and mostly untested at this point in time!
Einige Anmerkungen zu den wichtigsten Änderungen:
Re 1.) Dies ist der erste Schritt auf dem Weg, einige bekannte Bedienmuster aus der alten "Routenverwaltung" zurückzubringen, ohne dabei die generelle neue Struktur aufzugeben, die für zukünftige Entwicklungen benötigt wird. Bitte lasst mich wissen was ihr davon haltet. Konstruktive Kritik ist gerne gesehen und wird für weitere Verbesserungen in Betracht gezogen.
Re 2.) Dieser zusätzliche Tab in der Stationen-Liste sollte vor allem Airlines helfen einen Überblick über ihre Handlingkapazitäten zu gewinnen, die an vielen Flughäfen privates Handling gebucht haben. Bitte beachtet, dass ich mich hier nicht allzu sehr verkünstelt habe: Der Tab soll einen Überblick verschaffen, und ich denke das tut er.
Re 5.) Basierend auf einer Idee eines befreundeten Entwicklers habe ich die Option eingebaut, alle "Responsive" Features von AS 6.2 komplett zu deaktivieren, falls euch der Look des Spiels auf sehr kleinen Bildschirmen nicht zusagt. Bitte beachtet allerdings, dass dieses Feature aktuell von Natur aus experimentell ist und noch nicht wirklich getestet wurde!
The new capacity tab on the Stations page still displays some wrong data at this point due to a buggy script in the upgrade to 6.2. I'll address these issues in another patch as soon as possible.
Weitere Info zu Update v6.2-24-g026d3db
Die neue Kapazitätsübersicht auf der Stationen-Seite zeigt gegenwärtig teilweise noch falsche Daten, die durch ein fehlerhaftes Skript im Upgrade auf 6.2 zustande gekommen sind. Ich kümmere mich in einem kommenden Patch um das Problem.