Allow for multiple loan repayments at once?

In the realm of very minor suggestions:

Currently paying back loans such as annuity loans is a bit of a faff, since one has to select each contract individually, choose the amount and then click “pay back”. Would it be possible to permit the user to select several contracts and then click a “pay back in full” button? I was thinking along the lines of the fleet management page, where I can perform the same operation on several aircraft (set cabin config, assign pilots etc) by selecting the planes and then clicking only once.

No idea if this would be easy or hard to code - if the former it would save me quite a few clicks and I would be very happy! :slight_smile:

You can work around quick using autofill if you type in a big amount (bigger than what you need) and then click through all loans with this amount.

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Hm. Yes, I know you can do that, but even then it’s kind of a pain to do, especially when the site takes a bit to respond.

As I said, not the biggest of deals, would only make sense to do if easy to implement.