Buying all Boeing 737 Classic

I buy all Boeing 737 Classic from you!

Conditions for purchase:

  • For the moment I just want to buy Boeing 737-300/400/500 BGW.

  • Manufacturing years starting from 1989 [means age maximum 23 years].

  • Price I pay for …

Boeing 737-300 BGW: maximum 6,900,000 AS$ for single airframes

Boeing 737-400 BGW: maximum 7,300,000 AS$ for single airframes

Boeing 737-500 BGW: maximum 6,300,000 AS$ for single airframes

If you have a larger number of named types I would pick them up for a higher single airframe price as I’ve written, means I would also take younger planes or not so much used airframes!

Just answer here or per IGM to AFRICAN-EUROPEAN Investment Group.