Cancelled Flights

I am setting up routes and like a giant idiot I cancelled a bunch of good routes( I have my plan on delayed) that were booked full I know I can’t do anything about it but does this affect the amount of passengers on the flights that come later ones after it? I’,m thinking I should just activate it today because I cancelled so much.

Also when do the bookings come in after you have activated a plan( example activated today do they come in today or tommorow).

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Hey there! Hmm, I don’t think that upcoming flights should be affected by the cancellation if you re-activate the flight plan… If you activate the plan without delay, the bookings should come in on the same day. If you chose the delay, you’ll have to wait 3 days before the flights pop up in the ORS. Afterwards, new flights are added as time goes by (one flight at a time & 3 days ahead).

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Thx helpful response

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Glad to hear it helped!