Croydon Issues


I’m sure some of you notithed some problem when attempting to perform any action with Planes, flights and contracts.

During the last few hours I’ve been trying to do some changes on my fleet and I’m recieving all the time Internal errors, on the status page appears like most of the process are already expired (RED).

The information can be checked on the attached image.

Can you take a look over and see what can cause the problem?



Do you still have internal errors? It worked fine on me some minutes ago. The backlog (the red lines at the status page) is normally not associated with internal errors.

It seems to be fine now, thanks.

About the backlog, normally I always get Internal errors when that’s is working and have a lot of lines pending on. Also all the internal errors appear when working with flights (Cancelation mainly) and with fleets (cabin setup, names, assign pilots…)


Back to the same, and also the Game Status displays that the status are 1h and a half late compared with the actual time.

The backlog is caused by calculating the weekly transport statistics. This happens every week in the night from Sunday to Monday at 0:00 UTC. You can see it on your screenshot —> "daily update" : 14.604.045ms (about 4 hours)