Data analysis of Pearls - July 2017 (market shares)

Hello there,

​as announced some weeks ago,, here some new data from the Pearls gameworld. But first, many thanks to RainerD for adding lots of numbers into my worksheet and creating my data base.





​Passengers by players (the biggest ones compared)



​Passengers by alliances. First the absolute numbers:



and now the pie charts for the alliances ;)







​The "player" chart some more bigger:

I'd love to see an overall pie chart for the alliances. Or a bar chart. Like this is not possible to see which alliance is bigger, although I assume it's Concordia.

Maybe Skywalker will do the chart, but here are the figures:

 61.541.660 = Concordia incl. Pioneer and Wings

   3.134.568 = no alliance

   5.369.098 = Link world

   1.236.794 = PTN Alliance

 47.459.707 = Quality Connect


118.741.827 Passengers

I'd love to see an overall pie chart for the alliances. Or a bar chart. Like this is not possible to see which alliance is bigger, although I assume it's Concordia.

I totally forgot to upload this one!

Here it is :)



Impressive work there Skywalker, impressive!!! Thanx for sharing :)

Nice to see our alliance be mentioned. :stuck_out_tongue:

thx again skywalker - i really love your reports. so interesting.

You´re welcome!  Yes, it´s really another view to the gameworld. I like creating such information and charts, but i can´t promise an update to the end of the year. It´s very hard work to gather and arrange all information, despite all help i got from others . (need some vacation for this ^_^ )

Beside this, i found some very old screenshots of Pearls data. So let me give you all some other numbers of Pearls today: ;)

In the first week of february 2013 (a half year after the birth of Pearls),

135,000,000 passengers have been transported. This week: more than 171,000,000

1,181 players. This week: 116

1,448,000 flights back thenThis week: 1,942,000 flights

The ratio of F-C-Y:

2013: 86.6 % Y  / 13.1 % C / 0.3 % F

Now:  85.6% Y  / 13.8 % C / 0.6 % F

The 20 biggest airlines back then (the number 1 is still alive, all others....dead, or not?)







Your kind of a freak ;)

Well 4 Airlines are still alive: My US Liberty and American Rose, which i bought. And Qin China and Cathay Orchid, which is now Qin China Chengdu. 

cool statistics :wub:

AS there were some big changes on pearls a kind of "end of the year" statistics would be cool, if you have time. ;) Also some kind of development over the last years would be very interesting if you have enough data and time. ;)

Hallo Kunibert, ich hoffe Du kennst die Kul-TV-Sendung "Dinner for one". Wie sagt der Buttler ganz zum Schluß "I try to do my very best" :).

Wenn "skywalker74" auch Genügend Zeit hat, sollte einer Statistik für das 2. Halbjahr nichts im Wege stehen.


Ja, das Spielen auf einem Altserver kann manchmal noch ganz schön aufregend sein.


Sorry that I replied in german.

in english

I think skywalker74 and I will dou our very best to have an overview for 2/2017.

Wie wäre es mit einer Erwähnung der 10 kleinsten, aber dennoch tapfer kämpfenden Airlines auf Pearls?  :D

@fug01 #14

Betrifft Dich nicht. Du bist im Moment auf Platz 182 von 228 :)

@fug01 #14

Betrifft Dich nicht. Du bist im Moment auf Platz 182 von 228 :)

:blink:  ...hätte ich jetzt so nicht gedacht. Danke, Herr Nachbar... ;)

@fug01 #16

Du brauchst nur die Statistik Seite bemühen.

Rechte Überschrift : Detailstatistiken

Unternehmen : Passagiere


Limit : keines

Land : alle

Kontinent : alle

Dann die eigene Airline suchen :)

@fug01 #16

Du brauchst nur die Statistik Seite bemühen.

Rechte Überschrift : Detailstatistiken

Unternehmen : Passagiere


Limit : keines

Land : alle

Kontinent : alle

Dann die eigene Airline suchen :)

Ja, grundsätzlich klar, danke. Ich habe allerdings gar nicht erst geschaut, weil ich das so nicht erwartet hätte.

Hallo Kunibert, ich hoffe Du kennst die Kul-TV-Sendung "Dinner for one". Wie sagt der Buttler ganz zum Schluß "I try to do my very best" :).

Wenn "skywalker74" auch Genügend Zeit hat, sollte einer Statistik für das 2. Halbjahr nichts im Wege stehen.


Ja, das Spielen auf einem Altserver kann manchmal noch ganz schön aufregend sein.


Sorry that I replied in german.

in english

I think skywalker74 and I will dou our very best to have an overview for 2/2017.

Its understandable that its a time issue, so no worries about that. ;) 

The charts are just really interesting. :)

I will see, what´s possible at the year ender ;) Can´t promise it, but will give it a try, with the help of Rainer.

Mal sehen, was möglich ist am Jahresende. ;) Versprechen kann ich es nicht, aber wenn Rainer auch mit an Bord ist, wird es wieder klappen. Wir haben da eine gute Arbeitsteilung :)