I am wondering if a new world would find enough players to launch.
The following setup would be possible:
new ORS
no nightbans
double slots
IPOs allowed
all types of planes available (except ILs and other cheap used metal) and also used market
limited number of holdings (7-10 tbd), 3 in Asia, Europe and North America
starting funds 75 M AS$ per holding
EU treaty deactivated
investment open country list A
no exclusivity country rights
I am open for your suggestions and remarks/ideas. Pricing will be as usual for private servers depending on number of players.
September 29, 2022, 1:51pm
A new server? I’m interested.
I’d be interested in a new server!
Interested to join one too.
Interested! Will real airline names be acceptable?
Thanks for your messages. I will come back to you soon.
Yes, real airline names are welcome.
I am interested in entering
Just checking on any update on the new private world. Is this game still getting pushed through?
Still waiting for more players who are interested to join.
October 10, 2022, 4:11pm
Im also interested to play
I will put you on the list then. I will give an update next week. Thanks for your interest!
i would be interested what used aircraft would you add would you add MD-80s and classic 737s ?
Update - more and more players are interested to join. Some of you guys have own ideas which I am willing to discuss. I will create a discord channel to talk further in the upcoming days. I am quite busy over the weekend but still will try to create the channel tomorrow. Please stay tuned.
All types are possible. Not ILs. And not as many as on other servers. I want to play this time for some years, not weeks.
Check in to discuss the setup for Saba.
I will not create a new world as there are not enough players interested. Have fun!