Dev Log Week 2024-31: Summer Months

The “look back” in this issue of the devlog is rather short:

One day of last week I had to sacrifice to a virus, the remainder I spent knee-deep in code to start integrating the DS from the AirlineSim Technology Demonstrator into current-generation AS. I’ve talked about that several times before, but just for reference, here’s the general battle plan for the first phases: Path to DS implementation in current-generation AirlineSim. For now, I dropped my ideas for doing individual travel request generation (mentioned last week) before doing the fares+booking classes stuff, because there are few important pieces missing to go ahead with that.

The “look into details” wouldn’t be too exciting, as my work last week was rather tedious and technical. But in case you’re interested:

As outlined in the post linked above, one key goal of the DS integration project is to keep the old stuff working as closely to how it works now as possible, all while extending the underlying data structures to allow the full-blown feature set of the DS and gaining the ability to use one or the other based merely on configuration. Since AS hasn’t been built with this sort of “configurability” in mind, I now have to adjust large chunks of code from a “static” to a more “dynamic” code style. A nice side-effect of that is that all of this code becomes a lot more testable.

The “look ahead” is the most important in this issue:

It’s summer on the Northern Hemisphere, meaning I will be out of office for a couple of weeks to spend time with family (no air travel scheduled, sadly). So next week and the week after that, there almost certainly won’t be a regular devlog. After that, output might continue to be a bit slow due to personal circumstances, but expect the Monday devlogs to continue uninterrupted!