Last Monday a released a blog post about me being somewhat busy over the coming weeks. You can read it here in case you missed it. That “thing” that came up “on very short notice” is “just” me and my family moving to a different town…after we’ve decided to go through with this something like 2 weeks ago . So you can probably imagine that last week was a bit…stressful.
Anyway…the actual move is going to happen this week, so don’t expect a lot of progress in next week’s issue.
About week 40, though: With impeccable timing, a couple of German government agencies decided that this would be a great time to heap some paperwork on us. So of the little time I had, I had to spend several hours filling out questionnaires and dig for documents.
But it wasn’t all bad last week…I actually got in a few hours of work on the aircraft performance editor, fixed a few bugs here and there and I managed to release a small (data) patch on Friday. Better than nothing
See you next week, from a different and probably very much improvised office