Dev Log Week 2025-02: Starting on a productive note

Welcome to the first devlog of the new year!

As I wanted to start 2025 on a productive note and since @koenc86 has prepared a bunch of data updates over the past few weeks, my plan was to release a small maintenance and data patch in week 2. I have a long list of bugs and suggestions that I try to work off every now and then, so I picked a bunch and got to work. But as it’s often the case, seemingly small things turned into somewhat more complex matters.

Case in point: Ever since we’ve had speed overrides (now fixed arrival times) in the game, there’s been an inconsistency affecting the flight number selection in aircraft-based scheduling. Flight days that had an override only but no actual aircraft assignment would display as “operated”, even though the actually aren’t. When filtering by irregular or no flight days, they wouldn’t show up. Similarly, while the schedule view for a given airport pair in scheduling would show different markers based on the assignment state of a given day (S for speed override, ! for an error, L for locked), the list of flight numbers in flight number management wouldn’t.

Long story short…I got to work on this on Friday and intended for it to be finished the same day. Now it’s Monday and I am still working out the final details.

That said, once finished I’ll have a nice little patch ready to go out and you’ll find the full list of changes on the changelog as usual.