Disgusted by Lack of progress

If you’re on a world that had used aircraft at the start, check the average age of the larger airlines’ fleets. They’re probably all 20 or 30+ years average.

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Thanks racsofp. See screenshot for an airline in my world that started their play on 8-1-23. They have 135 planes in fleet including 2 A-380’s which lease for $6M and up at 8 years old. Those 6 737-800 HGW’s they lease, $1.5M apiece…that’s what 3 of 6 of mine are and I paid(leased) between 1.5 and 1.7 each…and mine are same age or older. That’s $21M of investment for this player right there and still 127 more in their fleet to account for.

Just doesn’t make any sense at all if you only start with $10M. Has to be a way to get a loan or something. This player has spent MINIMUM of $135M (but probably closer to $200M) on fleet in 27 days off a $10M startup capital. I’m at 6 planes in 10 days AND profitable but I’m definitely not clicking some button or taking advantage of a process like others who succeed. Check back in a week when I can afford my 7th plane. Sigh…

Thanks for replying,

It’s all about exponential growth.
With a single A320 or similar you should be easily making around 50k a day on a server like Yeouido. A lot more than that at the very start of the server. An old 320/737 can be had at below 1m. The fleet screenshot you show easily started with 15 airframes. That’s 15*50k = 750k easily a day which leases you just the next one or two airframes. Now throw this into an exponential growth formula for 4-5 weeks and you’re well above 100 airframes.

Your observation focuses on the wrong aircraft of their fleet.

They would have started with a crapton of the 737-200s (which go for 80,000 AS$ a piece - guess how many you can start with). This gives them the chance to multiply their starting capital within days, and again, and again. Someday, you can’t keep up with the growth or the used market dries up. The A380 and 737-800s are those later additions.

I had just tried a fairly unoptimised run on Yeager just to try out the used market there. Got some pretty overpriced A320/A321 (bidding wars at the start) and added cheaper BAE 146/Avro RJ and Boeing 757 to the mix and got to double my startup capital within the first week. If time and aircraft allow, I’ll attept to double it again until next week. Double again, and double again, and I’d be pretty close to that guy’s fleet and without trying too hard.

Thank you for this explanation. Never realized that aircraft that carried more than 19 passengers could be found that cheap. Makes sense because I’ve been playing long range “mature” game worlds with 5-20 planes that take 3 months to acquire. Usually in some random country like Nigeria.

I didn’t join this new server until after the world was 15 days old and was excited to finally find some slots available in large US cities. Guess it doesn’t matter if you can’t get the dirt cheap aircraft on day 1 of server. When I was looking at used and old Boeing, it was all 700’s and 800’s for $1mil + each and 10+ years old.

Thanks again for this, I guess I’ll just stop playing for awhile and wait for another game world to start and try and “get in” earlier. Game is not much fun when you can’t afford to compete and are just wasting credits as your $ creep up daily with 4-7 planes until the Weekly Leasing and Ops deduct. +$300,000/week after expenses…yippee!

Thank you for explaining. Truly appreciated.

I wasn’t trying to be snarky toward you with that $300,000/week comment. I didn’t see your $50K/day comment until I had submitted my reply. I must admit, your response made me question what I’ve been doing/learning for past 6 months. I am thrilled if one of my planes (737-700 or 800 or ERJ 175) makes $10k profit in a day. Heck, I’m happy if it is above the line for the week after expenses and leasing.
I’m dying to get exponential profits so I can grow, but not been able to find that formula yet. Waves are “ok” but never have had enough planes to have multiple waves into hub. Going to try something different based on what you mentioned.

Thank you,

You don’t need to wait until another gameworld opens. All the newer temp worlds still have viable markets, and you’ll learn a lot trying to survive and grow in them.

Everyone struggled at first. The only way to learn is to actually do things. You need to make mistakes, make adjustments, and learn to survive in less than optimal conditions.

Just surviving and slowly expanding is good enough early on. The people with the exponential growth have been playing a while and worked their way through that long ago.

If your airline is growing now, although slowly, keep that and just make adjustments. See what works, discard what doesn’t, and keep it all in mind for the future.


Well, any news here? How is your business adventure going?

Hello again fellow Airline Titans! Took a little time away over Holidays and started
feeling a little better about the game and my abilities. Have a small and stable airline going now for 12 weeks. Adding 1 or 2 planes per week and keeping routes direct to hub. Running 40% margin consistently week over week. Exciting!

Question that is nagging me and should probably be posted elsewhere:
On the AS routemap webpage, I can’t get my airline to load. On my info page, it shows my i.d. with a “?” in the number sequence (e.g. 124?93 ) I’ve tried with and without question mark but always get “Airline not found”. Any ideas or pointers?

Thanks as always,

For the info page URL ending in: enterprises/124?93

That’s two separate numbers, not a single ID.

The number before the question mark is your airline ID. (124)

The number after the question mark is some sort of hit counter (from what I can tell). If you keep clicking back to the info page, the first number will not change, but the second number will increment each time.

To get your airline into AS Route Map, you need to add your airline to his site using the 124 ID.

Alternatively, you can install the ASX extension and there’s a link to add/update your airline on the prior page which should do it for you with one click.

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Fantastic! Thanks for clearing that up.

Clear skies,