Easy deleting of SSSSS Flights

As SSSSS Flights that are not flying but slotblocking i would like to see a feature that makes them easy for deletion or an auto deletion with in say 48 hours. There are many big airlines that have these flights due to rescheduling or other reason that today are not deleted.

You can do this today:

  • Go to “Commercial > Flight Numbers”
  • In the “delete unused flight numbers” panel check the “Ignore empty flight assignments with fixed arrival times” box (yes, the wording makes no sense, it will be changed in an upcoming patch)
  • Click the red button

The SSSSSSS flights should be gone.

OK great because after so many years i never understood the text :slight_smile: But still does not solve the slot blocking of the SSSSSS flights

It’s actually better to clean the flight numbers BOTH with the checkbox and without the checkbox (basically doing double cleanup), I have seen some strange flight number deletion behavior after the new arrival times were implemented. But I didn’t dig much into it after I noticed the flight numbers that did not get deleted with the checkbox did get deleted without the checkbox. So I just do the double cleanup now.

Flights without aircraft assignments shouldn’t block slots. Not quite sure what you’re referring to.