Feedback | AirlineSim State | 2024

First of all, thank you Martin, for sharing all the honest and open insights in the AirlineSim State of the Game 2024 Video!

Health of course comes always first!

I also appreciated this year the continiously Devlog. I hope it will continue at least monthly in 2025 :slight_smile: Also to see some smaller feature beeing implemented feels like a nice light summerbreeze.

There is just one thing what I dont understand: How many people are actually still working on Prosperous Universe? Because as youve come to the conclusion that AS should be the focus, and your talking about a team of up to 6 in addition to yourself working solo on AS. I am wondering just out of curiosity and passion for the game of AS.

Also I am curious about the long term future of AS after the ASTD.
Did the ASTD actually failed because of your personal situation or also from a technical perspective?
Do you consider a “AirlineSim 2” or will AS be maintained and perfectionized over the years?

Wishing everyone a happy christmas time with hopefully enough time to addict some time to AirlineSim gameplay :slight_smile:


I fully agree

My thanks & appreciation goes out to Martin & the whole team :slight_smile:

The level of transparency goes beyond what anybody could expect & you’re all so active on the forums :wink:

I wish you all a very festive break & well deserved at that & a happy New Year :slight_smile:

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We have one dev (@molp) working on PU, while I work on AS. We also have @Counterpoint who’s our game designer on a (now) roughly one-day-per-week basis who’s mostly working on PU but will jump in for AS topics when there’s a need. And lastly, we have of course @lenana working part-time mostly in AS support, but also doing AS/PU marketing stuff.

AS2 isn’t really an option…goes against my “actually release stuff” pledge :rofl:

The ASTD wasn’t a failure per se. We learned a lot and I am actually integrating a lot of the code that was written for it into AirlineSim (the the respective devlogs around July/August, I think). So in the long term, the idea is to “morph AS into AS 2” rather than starting from scratch.

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