Fly Wales, based at Cardiff International Airport offering cheap flights using modern fleet to destinations within the UK, Ireland and Europe with an excellent on board service has chosen to enter in a partnership with her sister airline Fly Syria. The companies will still operate under different entities but owned by the same CEO Highlander 222. Highlander said "We are proud to announce this partnership, I believe it will bode well for both airlines mutually". This comes with the announcement that Fly Wales with it's flight from CWL to ALG has decided to open a route from Algiers to Damascus feeding passengers into Fly Syria.
In all honesty but have you ever tried to read the rules of AirlineSim?
Not just the behavioural (is that a word?) things but also that you just cannot make your two airlines work together?!!
ALSO you cannot fly with your British airline from Algiers to Cairo and Damascus. WELL YOU CAN BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE SINCE YOU DONT HAVE ANY PASSENGERS...
I'm not interlining they are just going on my Fly Syria routes
No they are not ... I mean ... you can "think" they are going, but they are not. The passengers your Welsh company flies to Syria stay there (most likely they are peacekeepers or go fight for one of the fronts), but they are not continuing on any Fly Syria routes. (but you can keep pretending they are)...