How can it be possible that passengers can transfer in FNJ to YNY which is in South Korea and FNJ is North Korea. Is this connection even active or is it just on paper? Because we cannot plan flights between those two airports. Maybe someone can help?
Well known for years but never corrected. Take it as a joke.
Ok so it is know. But is it working so can pax actually use it?
In real life NO!
In AS I do not know because you can not trace the origin of passengers coming through
the ground network.
In theory, they can use it. In practice, you’ll probably never know. Hell, I remember martin once saying he doesn’t have that specific data… (or that he doesn’t conserve it or whatever)… that meaning what connections pax actually take
Ok so if i really want to i can make it work
However, it seems like the game in the ORS is able to block access to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Leeward Point Field/NBW) from Cuba airports via ground network.
What make North Korea’s being different?
I figure it’s safe to assume that if no flying is allowed between two countries, we can safely block ground connections as well. I’ll add a ticket for it…not sure why we haven’t implemented this before.
For traffic as such it’s a slightly different story. There might still be people willing to travel from, say, Israel to Iran. But they aren’t allowed to do so directly, so they’ll have to book the trip via a third country (and probably use different passports ).