how is the agex calculated

i just interested

Not going to tell ;)

What does AGEX stand for again. Also why won’t u tell.

(To : Martin) Did you get my E-mail ?

i think it stands for airlinesim global economic exchange[color=#333333][size=2]

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Ok. I think I remember at the introduction of AGEX they said they caculate it based on real world varying demand. I don’t know if they go to each airline everyday to get information but I think they caculate it on real world demand.

Hmm… different game worlds have a different economic index.

So I guess one game world is based on our world, and the other game worlds are based on the economic indexes of parallel universes ;)

But the perfect index would follow the economic activities in each game world. If new airlines are created or if airlines are growing, passenger demand increases (although to a lesser degree). If airlines go bankrupt, the index goes down until the remaining airlines start growing faster again.


It might be possible that they caculate it at different time in the real world like Nicosia might be the AGEX of the 70’s and Meigs might be the current world or might be around 2010 or 2011

The AGEX is intended as the index of the surrounding world, not of the aviation world simulated in the game. As such it represents an artificial factor from the outside, not an indicator for the inside. The closest to an internal index we have right now is probably the prime interest rate.