How to get the aircraft registration from the flight number?

First a little background - I'm working at developing a tool to analyze a flight schedule to find the best and worst transfer flight connections  - rather like the Operations Control screen, but overcoming the limitations. For example, a flight from A to B via hub H is a "good" connection if the departure time to B is just slightly later than the arrival time from A, plus the airport transfer time.  A "bad" connection is one where the departure time is just slightly earlier than the arrival time from A plus the airport transfer time.

The idea is to scrape the html from the airline info flight schedule page and dump it into an sql database. The nice thing is that you can also do this for your interlining partners, not just your own. That means you can look at the transfers for your own airline and between your airline and your partners.

 Now the problem - there's no way to tell from the schedule, AFA I can see, whether an aircraft flying from A to H is the same as the one flying hub H to B - you need the registration numbers to do that. That means that you can't tell if the passengers can transit in less than the transfer time.

 Any ideas how to get hold of the registration number from the flight number, other than going through the schedules for each and every aircraft?

Maybe you shouldn't spend to much time in this ... hint: have a look at the munich video ;)

Maybe you shouldn't spend to much time in this ... hint: have a look at the munich video ;)


And for your convenience, some links:

great-  anyway it's been fun figuring out how to use Beautifulsoup !

Btw. - whenever you want to create a tool that receives data (even fully rendered html sites) from AirlineSim, you have to contact us about this according to the general terms and conditions as well as game rules ;)

Btw. - whenever you want to create a tool that receives data (even fully rendered html sites) from AirlineSim, you have to contact us about this according to the general terms and conditions as well as game rules ;)

I quite understand - however, this is manually reading the flight schedule, then viewing the html source in developer mode.

 One other thing, does the new tool you are developing allow you to view the interlining connections?

Rendering an html file does also request the database (read only, but nevertheless this may also cause some problem). So this doesn't matter and should always be approved by the team ;)

You haven't seen the video didn't you? Interlining and even Alliance even if there is no interlining ;)