How to make a small airport work

Guys I did read some Tutorials and I am used to very very slow games, so don't worry.

I now started over and am running an operation out of a bigger city  so  let's see how this goes.

All I wanted to do was see if you can generate demand. It's too bad that the players here were not supportive of such an idea because in fact I do think it's realistic.

Look at an airfield such as NRN, which is practically in the middle of nowhere. It has now evolved into a very important Ryan Air hub ! It is possible, and in my opinion it should be possible in the game. But oh well.

Read our posts again. It is possible to create a hub on a small airport. But the airport must allow transfers.

And small airports actually have an advantage in that the transfer times are shorter.

Read our posts again. It is possible to create a hub on a small airport. But the airport must allow transfers.

And small airports actually have an advantage in that the transfer times are shorter.

Who determiens whether transfer is possible. Even the example I mentioned earlier, NRN , has 'transfer impossible'. While it is nowadays a very big airport. Just because Ryan Air doesn't operate transfers doesn't mean that its absolutely impossible to start an airline that operates transfer there, right?

Also I have another unrelated question: How can I assign service profiles to multiple flights at a time? It's A LOT of work to do this for every single flight individually every single time.

The decision is done by the team. If you don't agree with a value, use the support button in the game and explain (ideally with evidence) why it should be changed.

You can adjust the service profile for multiple flights, though only for a given route (if you have multiple flights on the same airport pair). But you cannot change the profile across multiple routes.

The decision is done by the team. If you don't agree with a value, use the support button in the game and explain (ideally with evidence) why it should be changed.

You can adjust the service profile for multiple flights, though only for a given route (if you have multiple flights on the same airport pair). But you cannot change the profile across multiple routes.

Why not? 

Well that's gonna take a lot of work then, I have A LOT  of flights and thus a lot of city pairs. I only could pay 5 aircraft so I had to spread it out a bit.

EDIT: Oh you can do it through the drop down menu so its not THAT bad. 

Still I think this is something that could be improved.

sorry, that are not “a lot” of flights then and you can handle it easily in the inventory. I dot it myself there and i have more than 4000 aircraft; that are a lot of flights.