How to open a tourist hub

Hello! I saw that some airlines have opened tourist hub in other countries than their own. How is it possible? How do you open a tourist hub?

There are several „investment open“ countries which allow for foreign investment. In these countries, players are able to create another subsidiary even though it‘s not their home country

Thank you! and where do I find this countries?

Traffic rights :: AirlineSim Handbook

Please note the list and the country you’re looking for investment.
From my experience and those of some fellow players, I’ll let you know the opportunities to make them into successes vary widely by the market.

And if you want to check if a country is open or not, just go to (inside your game world) Database > Countries, go to the country, and look at the “Political Info” on the top-right (on desktop.) If it says YES on Unrestricted Market Access, you’re able to set up a subsidiary there with full traffic rights. Note that you won’t have the unrestricted rights for your parent company - only if you make a subsidiary based in the country you’d like the rights for, from the list(s) above.

Regarding how to open a hub in an investment open country. These countries are in the newer worlds (and to some extent the older worlds) especially difficult markets. This means that it might be very expensive to open a successful airlines in these markets usually because competition is strong or the market is just very weak and requires a lot of connections. Building connections are expensive.