Welcome to Infintity - beyond perfection, there's Infinity. When we created the slogan, we weren't just looking for something smart and memorable phrase. We were looking for something that is true to our hearts and that we could stand behind ... proud and honest. And so we created our slogan.
Infintiy is more than just the sum of the efforts of all our members. Since February 2010 it is literally possible to travel anywhere in the world. The alliance is actively present on all contintents, as well as in all major markets like Europe, mainland America and Asia.
But more than that, we are successful at what we are doing. Nine of the twenty biggest airlines on Croydon are members of Infinity. And that is just one of our many achievements …
New members read further....
If you're thinking about joining right now, you've picked the right time - we're officially in expansion mode! We're a practical bunch, by and large, so please don't feel the need to adhere rigidly to a template when writing up an application; all the same, here are some things to think about when applying that might help out:
- Do you have a clear goal for your airline?
As an example, the old Aero Oka was essentially operated on the principle of "get big"; making decisions on a whim is not a very useful long-term strategy, and the effects only really become noticeable weeks or months later when you inexplicably start falling apart. How do you think your airline will look one, two, six months from now?
- How can we help you? - How can you help us?
This is intended as a functional, working alliance, not just as a shiny badge; do you have route network or fleet deficiencies that we can help you with, operational costs you don't quite understand, or easy access to a market that's impenetrable for our current membership? If you want to help - or be helped - please let us know upfront so we can get thinking!
- Are you an active player?
We have to be realistic here - AirlineSim moves a lot faster than you'd expect sometimes, and we think it's important to keep on top of any new perils and opportunities that might emerge; if you only check in on your airline once or twice a week you might - and it's a big might, depending very much on what and where your airline is - not be able to do that effectively.
- Do you have any preexisting commitments to particular airlines or groups of airlines?
This isn't really a dealbreaker - it could be more of an opportunity than anything else. Are there airlines you'd like us to cooperate with as well, or who you want us to try to avoid cooperating with? If so, let us know!
There are, obviously, a whole load of more or less important things you could say - regarding service, pricing, external interlining and so on - but if you've got this far there's a decent chance you've covered them already.