Just a question really

Couldn't really anywhere find the answer to the question why in AS the B757-200 freighter version can carry more cargo than the B767-200. IRL the B762 has a far higher metric ton capacity than the B752, so I believe the game must have a reason for inverting that I just can't figure out why. It is that they are the same in lenght, approx and the B762 is a lot wider than it's little sis.

Are you talking about passenger 762 or freighter 762?

talking about B76X, freighter version.

B757-200 freighter listed with capacity of 385 units

B767-200 freighter listed with capacity of 355 units

762 basically is a rubbish plane. It consumes fuel even worse than 763 while carrying so few.

rubbish plane should still carry more load than it's smaller sibbling

please find links for the mentioned planes

B767-200 freighter:


757-200 freighter:


and tell my why ingame the B757-200 carries more cargo despite these links proving the B767-200 has  nearly double capacity.

please find links for the mentioned planes

B767-200 freighter:


757-200 freighter:


and tell my why ingame the B757-200 carries more cargo despite these links proving the B767-200 has nearly double capacity.

You do realize that this page erroneousely gives you the data for a 767-300, no?

A 767-200 could be converted to a freighter with around 94,000lbs payload standard. That’s around 42,5t.

thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realise.

anyway, that's still more than the 757

Finally some more time at hand...

The source of error in AS' 767 data is quite easy to identify:

The 767-200ER (pax) has a max structural payload of 78,500lbs (35,600kg) - that's what Boeing states in their datasheets and apparently this was taken as cargo capacity in AS.

Here you need to know that all "767-200F" are converted pax aircraft. Unlike the -300, Boeing never offered the -200 as freighter.

In AS, we only have one "-300F" and one "-200F" while in real life there's many different variants:

767-200BDSF/-200BCF/-200SF with different max. payloads ranging from 42,365 to 44,905kg (46,000kg optional) pending on who did the conversion and what pax-version was used.

Same goes for the -300. Here we do have a true - Boeing built - freighter -300F with an official max payload of 54,885kg. Converted pax aircraft (767-300BDSF/-300BCF) have roughly the same payload +/-.

Again the same goes for the 757. But here, there's quite some conversions with reported payloads of far below those 38,500kg as stated in AS.

I might add...

In the link you posted, the 767-200 not only shows the data of their 763, they also messed up the payload entirely.