Krabi, Thailand Airport data

How often airport data updated in AS?

Sounds like some airports data are outdated in AS Database. One of the examples: KBV.

Runway length in the game is 2100 meters, while during 2003-2005 KBV experienced number of improvements, including runway which was extended to 3005 meters and now capable to serve widebodies....

Please send ticket with this request, along with proof of information (e.g link to official airport page with data), to

Actually sent a ticket to the AS-team about KBV few months ago. Never heard something about it. 

Done, #18393

Data updates are currently happening on a very irregular basis. If you've sent us updates airport information, but haven't received an answer, it's still not lost - we're bookmarking it so we can use it to do an update one day.

isn't it only updated for the new game-world and not retrofitted to current game-world?

Certain data gets updated, some elements not. For example the size does not change.