I know that this is some sort of a luxury problem, but I figured out recently that I’m sometimes not sure about the language I should use for ingame messages. Surely it might be the best option to use english as primary means of communication, but I’d like the more personal approach of contacting other people in their respective mother language as far as possible. By now, I’m editing the my ingame messages in two or even three languages which is quite a lot of work.
I’m aware of the fact that additional user attributes added to the database might cause trouble and even more work than implementing new features, but there is an option that might be easier to implement:
It would be very helpful for me to know the interface language other members are currently using. This could be implemented by displaying a small flag near the CEO’s name on the enterprise page.
What do you think about this idea? Is it helpful, useless, non-desirable,… ? Please share your thoughts about it.