Lower 787's Popularity with passengers in game

Since the well known reason, user confidence in 787 has been certainly lowered.

I suggest to lower 787’s Popularity with passengers in game by one bar until users are backing their confidence in 787.


Thou I like the idea of “reacting to real life changes”, I have to mention that I don’t operate any 787 myself

Personally I don’t like such moves (and I don’t operate 787s) because of passenger opinions. I strongly believe that most passengers are not aware about the equipment used. Their “knowledge” is often overestimated. Such a move would harm 787-operators here at this game. A copy of reality would be the grounding of the 787 in this game as long as the 787 is grounded in real world (not because passengers are demanding it but the FAA) but this would be too much reality I think?