Would it be possible to change loan payment interface, so instead of going manually loan by loan, multiple loans could be selected by s checkbox and the amount either applied equally among loans (type in 100 million, select 10 loans, and pay 100 million among 10 selected loans dividing equally, for a net payment of 10 million of each of the selected loans ) or be applied evenly among loans (type in 10 million, select 10 loans, pay 10 million for each of the 10 loans selected).
This would be great.
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Had a quick chat with someone at the AS Bank and they said that if we added this, they’d be forced to charge prepayment penalties
Nevermind, we already do
The interest for the repaid amount is increased by 10% (the amount, not the interest rate).
Anyway, I might add it in a quiet moment, but I told myself to not mess with small stuff for a little while so I can focus on getting started on a big topic again (see devlogs).
What? What was the reason doing this? For new or also existing loans? And a sentence after you write not to “mess with small stuff”.
The first reply was a joke.
The second one was about me finding out that the thing I had been joking about had already been in the game…since 2014