My Opinions About Fair Play

playing on aspern? i can report you, if you want to be part of the "reported gang"

btw: also reported with some A320 and CRKs  :blink:

Haha, yes I do! But I guess ... I've changed my mind  :blush:

I've just checked the TOP 30 airlines on aspern. 26 of them are reported.

Congrats to Aerolineas El Salto for being the "true no. 1".

I've just checked the TOP 30 airlines on aspern. 26 of them are reported.

Congrats to Aerolineas El Salto for being the "true no. 1".

I am listed as 773/1200 in passenger capacity per week but I still got reported ;P  

I am really proud of it!

I checked my airline today, I have been reported (Don't know why) and so has every manager of our alliance, none of us also know who has done is-If I could get some conformation from any staff then it would be greatly appreciated as I haven't broken any game rules, thanks.

Pandora's box has been opened.

It is all getting a bit out of control as everyone will have their own opinion about what is "fair play" and will be reporting based on that judgement.  I assume anyone that operates a 737-600 has been reported, together with all large airlines, any airline with more than 12 aircraft, any airline that has an aircraft with more that 25% C seats, etc, etc 

I really do think that, as Aspern is still relatively new, AS would be better off resetting (as has been done before).  At the same time they should look again at the calculation of flight ratings for high price/bad seat combinations (especially in C as this seems to have caused the problems on Aspern)

We do not intend to reset, we only had to do this once due to technical reasons.

At the moment I'm reviewing all the reports and that's somehow ironic as the people report each other  and sometimes the worst user of this is the one who reports the most others etc.

How we will deal with this all.

A lot can be solved with a couple of new rules.. for example: 

-Different airplane rating for lets say russian planes being flown in the US.

-Fix the 737-600 capacity, and make it more fuel inefficient (thrust me, 149 seats in a 737-600 isnt possible, not even with slimline) 

-Limit the amount of planes with 20 less seats at large airports. Some times people do really use them (for example, in hawai/caribean i can understand that people use them to remote airports with small strips) 

-Different cabin editor: slimline seats in business should be possible, but they should be different (and thus taking more space) from the economy ones. Also seat pitch should play a bigger role in the flight rating

-Make the delivery times bigger for planes like the CRJ, Antonov and ERJ's. In real these manufactors take way longer to produce an aircraft compared to Boeing and Airbus, since its less automatized and they only have one production line, where Airbus and Boeing have multiple lines, and Airbus producing A320's at 3 Different plants (soon it will be four, with the US line comming online) 

Just some idea's. Instead of complaining even more, i think we all benefit from thinking in solutions, so that the game won't suffer from rules that will make it less realistic, but instead make it even more realistic. 

Fix the 737-600 capacity, and make it more fuel inefficient (thrust me, 149 seats in a 737-600 isnt possible, not even with slimline)

That's already done ;)

What about existing users of 737-600 with “old” configurations

 Whoops SK, i take my words back haha. All that Christmas food made me delusional ;)

Good luck with screening all the airlines... Lots of work for u to do the upcomming days(weeks?)

It is turning into comedy on Aspern with all the reporting going on. Wonder what % of airlines have been reported so far

I was reported and only 4 aircraft

I have one idea

Lets open new server -  with time margin 365 days and reset

you can winners in 2 category:

1. who transport more passengers

2. who have more money in time of reset

for winners AS team can give them 100 credits and certificate of wining :D

and some qewl Forum rank

I have one idea

Lets open new server -  with time margin 365 days and reset

you can winners in 2 category:

1. who transport more passengers

2. who have more money in time of reset

for winners AS team can give them 100 credits and certificate of wining :D

and some qewl Forum rank

LOL this might be exactly what ES needs...

Never ever! ;)

I was reported and only 4 aircraft

What an achievement!

I have one idea

Lets open new server -  with time margin 365 days and reset

you can winners in 2 category:

1. who transport more passengers

2. who have more money in time of reset

for winners AS team can give them 100 credits and certificate of wining :D

and some qewl Forum rank

And we can let people from ES play there so they keep out from the other servers :D

Just kidding, don't take it personal :P

SK: About the reports, I'm guessing I will not say something you don't know but, still: just take your time and don't worry too much about all the reports. Aspern is like a witch hunt village lately.

Maybe we should re-introduce the April fools joke (the galaxy world), wonder how long it will take for people to report "they are blokking the milkyway and the using Nebulon-B frigrates to block moon slots''

I operate crjs and a321s and I haven’t been reported yet, I feel so left out. :frowning:


in that case, you can report yourself :P

I think Fairplay in everyone's eyes are almost impossible to achieve.

But with good and well-planned regulations one can go a long way.

The problem now is the new Cabin Configuration.

The Cabin Configurator is very good, it is a big improvement.

But it also creates major problems, along with higher prices for first class and business class.

Someone suddenly found out that putting slimline in these classes was good business.

Others followed, creating a much larger growth for these companies than for those who followed “Fair Play”.

The rules are unclear, and most say they have not done anything illegal.

The rules need to be much clearer on this.

Maybe it should be like that one must use a minimum Standard seats in business class and Comfort in first class.

And what will be done with those who have taken advantage of the “loophole

I do not know and feel sorry for the team, who must make a decision.

Whatever they decide, not everyone will be satisfied.