UPDATED 09/01/2024
NancyBirdWalton Detailed Rules:
Holdings: Max 5 holdings per player
• At the start, each player will get 4 holdings. There are no continent restrictions, however, it’s not permitted to have two holdings (the same player) within the same country.
• 1 month after you start, you can add 1 more holding. They shall be at airports with max 8 bars, and not in the same country as your other holdings.
Exclusive Airports:
• Exclusive airports: Other holdings can only fly 1000 flights per week from any airport to “your” hub (exclusive airport). Multiple players cannot have the same hubs. Your first 3 holdings can have 3 hubs, holding 4 and 5 can only have 2.
• Each holding can have up to 3 hub airports. At these hub airports, other players cannot start a holding. You can find the most up-to-date list here. Airlines & Hubs Overview. Applications for a hub in a different country than your main, one needs to be approved by the server admin.
*In case a new player picks a hub that has more than the server allowed 1000 flights of cargo holding, the cargo holding/airline will need to reduce or move operations due to fairness towards new players.
Cases of slot blocking will be reviewed and are considered against the rules!
General Game world settings / rules:
• Newest data has been applied.
• Starting capital is 90m. (To allow new players to compete more easily with established airlines.)
• ATO: 90m.
• Ground network: On;
• Double slots: Yes;
• Nighttime bans: Off;
• Dynamic turnaround times: On;
• Availability of aircraft: From Boeing 787’s and Airbus A350’s to MD-11’s and DC-10’s
• Used aircraft: Yes, but it is forbidden to lease aircraft older than 10 years (to prevent growth differences between airlines and slot blocking); Cargo aircraft have a maximum age of 20 years. Note: This is the age of the server starting in March 2023. If you would start now; the age is increased by the time running; for 2024 this would be 11 and 21 years.)
• Global demand for passengers and cargo: 100%, and increasing over time.
• Wide bodies distance limitation: No;
• IPO: No;
• Real airline name and logos allowed: Yes, fictional as well;
• Open Investment countries: Yes.
• A holding can operate subsidiary airlines at any airport. However, if any player registers a holding at that airport, you has to adapt to the exclusive airport rules.
• Terminals: You are allowed to lease out terminals to other players. In case you want to lease out terminal space between your airlines, there are limitations. You can only lease out terminal space between holdings if this is at your hub.
Your Holding A is based in Newark and Denver, and Holding B at Brussels.
Holding A is allowed to lease out terminal space in Newark and Denver to Holding B. Holding A cannot lease out terminal space to Holding B in Brussels or, for example, Boston. Holding B can lease out terminal space in Brussels to Holding A, but not at any other airports.
Both holdings are however, allowed to build terminals everywhere in the world for their usage, or to lease out to airlines of other players.
• IL between own holdings is allowed.
• Players are not allowed to lease planes from one of their holdings to another of their holdings. They are, however, allowed to lease planes within the same holding or to other players.
• The UK is not part of the EU treaty.
• Payment is per month, paid upfront, and based on the price of the server divided by the total number of players.