Hello my name is Michel, I live in the Netherlands. Currently working as a depot manager at DHL! I have been active as a Sergeant in the Dutch Army for 13 years. I was in the 12th Airborne Brigade. Did 4 tours! 2x Afghanistan, Mali and Iraq. I’ve always loved aviation.
I have been on this website for a few weeks now and I think I am starting to understand a bit. I have chosen the country Netherlands Europe and then Amsterdam airport. I have made a flight plan and I always have some doubts about it, maybe someone can take a look at it. and perhaps an explanation for the prices, I try to be slightly below the prices that I see in the market analysis. If anyone has any tips, I would love to hear them, I have some screenshots and my flight plan below, thank you in advance
Link to Flight plan
Flight Plan ingame 1
This early on you should focus on one hub only, not two. The key is connections. When scheduling planes, make sure that the incoming flights have sensible connections to the next outgoing flight – taking into account the connection time.
With regards to hub choice, Europe is always a very difficult place to start. Lots of competition Unless you are very keen to have somewhere you are geographically connected to, I would consider other places. Look for hubs with a high percentage of available slots and avoid investment-open countries…
Welcome. One thing I’d say though. Your strategy, as you stated yourself, is to undercut your competition a bit on prices, which isn’t quite consistent with your A318 dominant fleet, especially considering the fact that you operate out of AMS, one of the best hubs in terms of demand. With smaller aircrafts such as the babybus, your per seat cost is going to be higher than your competitors. This eats into your margin on top of your lower prices.
Welcome to AS!
I’ll have to agree with some of the points here:
I wouldn’t recommend AMS or FRA as a beginner. The competition within Europe is extremely strong. Try and find a smaller country without any competition.
Connections, connections, connections! Your flightplan does not give many sensible connections, which are very important in Airlinesim. Direct passengers will not be enough to fill the planes on most routes. Connections should make sense especially geographically. Think UK to Italy, via AMS for example. But no one will fly from Las Palmas to Prague via AMS. You should also aim for synchronised departure waves, meaning all of your aircraft meet at the hub at a certain time to exchange passengers (check the minimum connection time of your hub).
Looking at your flightplan, there is too much maintenance time. The plane should be in the air as much as you can. You don’t have to care about times, passengers in AS fly at all times of the day.
The A318 is quite inefficient, if you’re looking for an aircraft of a similar size I would recommend the A220-300. Have a look at the aircraft evaluation tool and run your calculations there.
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what’s the best place to start, i was thinking about america. but what are your ideas
That depends on many factors. Normally US is overcrowded, competition huge. If a big player ceases operation, then the time is right to step into it. And it also depends on the server - if used planes are available, it makes it easier.
Well I think the US is a great place to start. I started to get a hang of this game when I was playing in CLT and ATL, the waves were super easy to plan and there’s this added benefit of having a lot of hubs available. I’d argue that the amount of good hubs in the US is unparalleled. But I definitely agree with the competition aspect, maybe JFK/LAX/ORD wouldn’t be a great place to learn, but other airports are usually very available.
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