Not playable, just joke

I am back to check this game after some tiime, but I have to say it is not playable.

I see planes equipped with Standard seats in first class, Standard seats in business class with price increased 1,3x, Slimline HD seats in economy with price also increased 1,3x, flying to middle of nowhere and the flights are full:
E195E2 - F4C44Y88

B.t.w. with ORS rating 68 in business and I have rating 70 on A220-100 eqp. with Lie-Flat 160 with price increased 1,25x.
Why should I pay for something like that…?

P.S. This new forum looks terrible.
OMG, why the title should have at least 15 characters?

Well, the game has undergone significant changes in the past four years. The New ORS, launched in 2019, completely changes the equation so the premium things you are talking about are not the only way to fill flights. If that is the issue you have, I can point you to the long term old servers (2018 and less) where none of this has changed. They are still up for a reason, and many have open markets; check the Thread of Opportunities… :slight_smile:

If you need to address the specific ORS values, seats as you probably know are not the only influential value in the ORS. If you need us to see a specific route in a specific game world, please give us that information, so we can try and help you understand further.

If the game is technically unplayable as in broken or error, contact support. If the game is “unplayable” as in the game has changed and you don’t like the changes, then it is not unplayable, but rather not to your taste… :man_shrugging:


I’m going to have to agree to disagree.

but I’m talking about situation that flights with planes equipped “Standard seats” in business class are ful, above that with price increased 1,3x!

Sorry or not, this is not acceptable to me.

It reminds me situation some years ago when we fought against using small planes in like L-410 on big airports, causing slot blocking.
And reaction was - do that the same!
Finally feature called Route Restrictions/Aircraft Type Restrictions was made and applied, but it took a years…

I think I understand where you are coming from. It doesn’t make sense to normalize the absurd. I agree. Standard seats for Business Class, in an ideal world, should make no sense.
(on a side note, this is quite like what some European airlines short-range business class offers in real life. Most of them just block the middle seat. Not saying it’s acceptable, but rather something you do indeed find in the world today.)

However - perhaps this person fills these because they have a. has really good connections or b. there is just too much demand and not enough supply; hence, we get passengers settling for anything. If there is a supply shock, people will overpay for any product, even the inferior; any market impacted by the current war in real life will give you an idea.

If you want me or other members of the community to check a specific scenario, please reach out with those details either here or in private. I and the others want to try and understand with you…

This is perhaps a consequence of the new reality, the new ORS, in which price is much more of a primate factor in the ORS. It fixes some of the issues of the other one, in my view at least, but as you are finding out now, it is still far from perfect. But what in this world is perfect indeed?

And again I repeat - the old version of this game, the one I am sensing you are yearning for, still exists in AS. It hasn’t gone away. There are many people in this forum whom I believe would be happy to help you with those servers (Xiguan, Hoover, and anything older).

I hope that helps slightly.


Why do you think I need any help?

I don’t need it, I’m just pissed off, that it possible to have E-195E2 configured F4C60Y68, or F4C48Y84 with price in C and Y 1,3 times higher above regular and have all flights full!
As in the title of this tread - it is not “far away from perfect”, it is just the joke.
AeroStandards INC. in Junkers, 6x A220-300, 35x E195E2 and 10x Superjet 100 after five weeks of playing? Really?
Or Gingko Air, in the same world.

A friend of mine received a survey a week ago from you with question, why he didnt played this game for some time. And this is the only reason. As I asked in my first post: why should we pay for crap like this?

Again and again, E195E2 - F4C60Y68, price 1,3x and flights full??!!

If you don’t like the game - fine. Then just stop to play. Your accusations will not help to improve the game.
And stop bashing including company names. These players do play within the rules even if you don’t like these rules.


I am trying to help you and the community at large understand what your point is. But it seems I am not very helpful… :man_shrugging:

Good day. I hope you find what you are seeking. I still don’t know what that is.

Just to clarify , in Europe, business class seats on most premium carriers is the same seats economy.