Paradise - a restart

We decided to restart our Paradise.
Some airlines were too big. :slight_smile:
So to make it easy for others to join our fun server, we decided to restart.

Some facts are here:

we will restart most likely on Tuesday next week. So far, we have seats free and also big hubs are still free. Our existing members had the chance to have priority access of course but with only 2 holdings at start for our members, there are huge possibilities available.

We use Discord as our tool to discuss and also give new players all needed informations.

Our setup is as listed here:

  1. Max. 8 holdings per player, 2 at server start, 1 more holding every month
  2. Max 2 protected hubs (protected means that other players can schedule not more than 1,000 departures from that hub)
  3. holdings 1,2,5 and 8 have no restrictions
  4. holdings 3, 6, and 7 should be in a country with max. 6 bar airports
  5. holdings 4 should be in a country with max. 8 bar airports
  6. max. 1 holding in USA, China and max. 3 holdings in EU
  7. unlimited subs are allowed but all subs in max 8 bar airport (except if in main hub)
  8. Any claimed hubs (on the wish list) with no flights scheduled after 6 weeks will be removed from the wish list and released
  9. No exclusivity for a particular country but for your main hub - other players are only allowed to have 1.000 departures from there.
  10. Investment open countries: we have our own list of IO countries
  11. No open skies agreements, traffic rights only from and to your holding country (exception: cargo)

100 Mil starting funds
100 Mil Immediate Delivery Program|
No nighttime bans
Interlining between own holdings and airlines allowed and active
Ground network activated
Double slots
IPO active
Real existing names and logos of airlines allowed but not a must
New airplane types only (exception: Cargo planes, all models can be ordered as new) and some nice elder planes (like MD-82s)
No used market at server start
Demand: 40% at server start, increasing

Interested? Check-In is open for you: Paradise
Boarding time will hopefully be Tuesday 26th of March

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We still have free spots, and we are ready to go!

Indeed! We will start in 90 minutes and have 4 seats free.

Good Morning,

We still have 3 seats available in Paradise! (Yes it is in) :blush:

If you want to follow us to Paradise, please find the link to our Discord Channel above.

Please keep in mind that AS Support might be searching for Easter eggs with their families or search for eggs, they missed to find last year: It can take additional time until the request Highscore as admin needs to send is being processed.

Happy Easter!

Is this game world still active? How do we join?

We are full at the moment.

Now we have seats available, welcome to join us!

DOH for example is free and we need an airline there. Check asroutemap which hubs are free.

Soon also LAX and SIN will be free - check in and fly with us!