PAX Transported per Airport

Just a simple idea. Would be nice/interesting to have noted, maybe somewhere on the office page or the airport main page, the number of passengers transported from that particular airport from certain airlines. It would be an ongoing calculation, similar to the one that shows on the airline info page where it shows the number of passengers traveled and the number of cargo units transported.

So you could go to your office page, or to the airport main page and there would be a number listed next to the airline name. This number would be the continued calculation of the number of passengers/cargo that leave on that airline from that airport.

You can see that in the statistics belonging to the airport on a weekly base.

Just as a relative number. However, I think that's sufficient.

Another statistic, showing the historic total volume of an airport as a graph (similar to the route statistic) would be nice.

Per week is nice to have. I was thinking of a cumulative amount from the beginning of the server (or addition of this function), meaning the number wouldn't reset to 0 every week. But if it's not desired, then all is cool. :D

For what reason?

For what reason to include this? At heart, I'm a stat-head and enjoy such information. Inside the simulation, airlines would normally collect such numbers to be shown to executives of the airline. They'd keep track of how many passengers are going through their turnstiles. It might not be public knowledge, but companies would know how many people are using their services. The numbers are already there, they're just not separated into specific airports.

As for the statistics page, the numbers are just percentages, not actual numbers of how many passengers departing from XYZ airport used ABC Airlines.

For me and for a start... it would be helpful to see how many transfer passengers a flight has divided by classes... I would wanna know how many eco and how many biz paxes have connecting flights. Why is that not possible?

For me and for a start... it would be helpful to see how many transfer passengers a flight has divided by classes... I would wanna know how many eco and how many biz paxes have connecting flights. Why is that not possible?

From what's been said earlier, the notation of that on each flight would cause more lag issues. I don't know if it's "on the things to do" or "on the things we won't ever be able to have with the current system." I think there's an explanation in one of the older threads.

But I agree, it'd be nice. :)

True. Not that I would expect knowing to what flights exactly my passengers wanna transfer... you know... like a real airline ;-)

But at least that class information is kinda crucial I think