Quo vadis AirlineSim?

New person has arrived…means update is around the corner…

There you go, go to the blog now :slight_smile:

… just as a follow-up: AirlineSim Blog — Quo vadis, AirlineSim? — AirlineSim &
The AirlineSim Technology Demonstrator: A Q&A Thread :slight_smile:

Love it that you picked up my title for the announcement :smiley:


Very very excited for this, I hope this is sucessful and brings a new Airlinesim for the next 20 years!

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hehe, well, thanks for the inspiration! ^^

glad to hear that! we’re very excited about announcing it, too!

Will you intruduce Seeplanes ??
There are Water Airports set up at resent but no planes taht could serve them…

In the real world Airlines are competing for the PAX just as simples as that there are moastly other reasons that make PAX decide to take a flight with an airline or not… how do you want to account for that?