Red Schedule?

My brother just got an ATR 42-300. He made a flight which is Phuket to Beijing. He went on the menu of the plane and I noticed that the schedule is red. I do not know the reason of this. All I know is that red at the schedule is not possible. Is there any other meaning to the red is something I do not know. All I need is help.

The Flightplan is Red because it Ends not where it started..... you start in Phuket but the last flight is not coming back to Phuket. But you will never be able to fly from Phuket to Beijing in an ATR..... the distance is way to long (assuming that you are flying direct). The ATR is a good aircraft for small  distances but not for a flight from Phuket to Beijing .... so use it for Phuket Bali for example.....

so use it for Phuket - Bali for example.....

This would be a very long route for an ATR 42-300 too :P ;) and not viable. A "typical route" from Phuket for an AT4 are destinations like Medan, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok or Singapore.
